Ann Stratford

This term has certainly been jam packed with activities including:
• Our BATS production at the beginning of the term
• Information nights and course counselling
• The Winter Concert
• Winter Interschool Sports
• The Mount Buller ski trip
• R U OK Day recognition
• The SRC Carnival
• Parent/Teacher Interviews

Year 12 Practice Exams
On Wednesday the English Practice Exams commenced for our Year 12 students and continue into the first week of the school holidays. These exams are the perfect learning opportunity for Year 12 students to begin in earnest the preparation for their final exams. Undertaking practice exams allows students to identify the areas where further study is required and confirms the areas within which they are competent. It provides feedback to staff regarding areas for future revision topics and activities. As practice tests ensure early revision and study occurs, rather than leaving this important revision to the last minute. Student results can be heavily impacted by fear or anxiety; practice exams can help reduce the anxiety caused by these assessments.

A reminder that both Year 10 and Year 11 exams occur mid Term 4. Holidays provide a perfect opportunity for students to ensure they are up to date and as prepared as possible prior to returning to Term 4.

Staff Changes
I would like to thank Mr Alexander Scott for the work he has undertaken at the College during Term 3. Alex has been a wonderful addition to our school during this term and has most certainly had a positive impact on student learning. We welcome back to the College in Term 4, Ms Ntina Delgas who resumes her work in the English Key Learning Area.

SRC Carnival Day
Whilst Tuesday 12th September was wet and dreary, the SRC Carnival still was a wonderful day for staff and students alike. Special thanks goes to Ms Cooper – SRC Liaison Teacher, Ben Donald Wilson – SRC President and all the SRC members for their wonderful organisation, hard work and dedication to this event. Each year this event grows. For me this year’s highlight was the joint student and staff band playing in the northern quadrangle.

I hope everyone has a well deserved break and enjoys their time recharging their batteries for Term 4.
Ann Stratford