As staff and students return to school, I am filled with gratitude and amazement. The staff and students have worked so incredibly hard to make Remote Learning work so effectively demonstrating the College values of resilience, respect, endeavour and compassion. As a result, the transition back to traditional schooling has been smooth, the learning has continued, and we will be set for a fresh start in Term 3.

2020 Staff Professional Learning and Curriculum Day Focus
This is the third year of our four-year strategic plan. Our focus this year is to consolidate and strengthen the initiatives we have introduced in recent years. The College’s 2020 Annual Implementation Plan, has a major focus on staff professional learning to continue to build literacy skills, and our instructional model in the classroom. Supporting this work will be the continued implementation of Professional Learning Communities, together with high impact evidence-based teaching strategies and tools, that continue to feature heavily in our professional learning.

On Monday, July 13, staff will continue to work on Low Stakes Writing, the Six Traits of Writing, the implementation of the Instructional Model with particular emphasis on Engage and Action, build on our School Wide Positive Behaviour implementation and a soft launch of the 2021 STEAM launch.

The build continues …..

The Building Project at both ends of the college is progressing at a rapid pace, with several of the new areas already in use. The First Aid room is fully operational, and the new female amenities were a pleasant surprise for our returning students. The college will have a very different look and feel with the new Student Well-Hub in 2021. The proposed layout of this area has been presented to the Community Sub-Committee and in turn to the College Council. With the scheduled work continuing at a rapid pace, it is very exciting seeing our College build come to fruition.

The Term 2 Remote Learning reports will look different this year. The Department of Education and Training requirements have been modified, and the Semester 2 reports signifies the full launch of continuous reporting that was trialed in 2019. James Taylor, Learning Specialist – Data and Assessment, has outlined the changes to the reporting cycle later in the newsletter.

As this term comes to a close, and we continue to navigate our changed world, I wish everyone a restful break and I look forward to welcoming you on your return in Term 3.

Ann Stratford