Technology Studies 

In Technology, we have been back into the workshop as students have started returning to school in Term 4. The Year 7s have been very keen to start a project after learning from home during Term 3. They have jumped straight into learning to use the tools and equipment that they have spent time learning about and they have made the most of the opportunities presented to them. 

The Year 11s are quickly heading to the end of the year and their exams and have had to jump into the production tasks as the shortened year has impacted time in the workshop. Most students are progressing well and their products are taking shape. The students have also looked at how they can save time during production by making small changes to plans and looking to make to best use of the limited time and resources.  

I want to congratulate all technology students for hanging in there during Remote Learning this year and for persisting in the tasks which were set.   

Andrew Dingey 

Technology KLA

Food Technology

As we end remote learning, I would like to once again acknowledge the work and effort of students and families. Thank you for supporting the all the Food Studies and Textiles programs over all year levels. I have been so proud to be part of our school community over these past months and have loved watching students develop their resilience and come up with creative ways to achieve their learning goals. Their level of endeavour and compassion for each other has been impressive.  


It has been great to see the Year 7 students back in the kitchens cooking and developing their own designer Muffin recipes. We wish the Year 11 students the very best as they complete their course work and prepare for the exams. Loved seeing them cooking up storm over the last couple weeks. 


As we return back to school students have been preparing for their production activities. Food Studies students have developing their options for their independent production activities. The Year 10 Food Studies are developing their MeaKits, Barkers Bakery students have been designing their own desserts and Food for Life Students have been developing their own noodle box recipes. I can’t wait to see them make their recipes over the coming weeks.  

Students are also to be congratulated for independently striving to develop their technical skills by making recipes at home and sharing their results. A great effort. 

Well done to the Year 8 Textile Production Design students for the effort and work they have put into developing their skills. The bookmarkers they made applying the technical skills resulting in some great results. 

Looking forward to returning to school. 

Betty Metaxas