What do you hope to achieve this year in your role?

This year, as College Captain I aspire to encourage all students to emulate our four college
values: Resilience, Endeavour, Compassion and Respect. having resilience when life is tough,
endeavoring to be the best version of yourself, having compassion for others and respecting everybody’s individuality is fundamental in creating a positive and enjoyable experience at school. I hope to help incorporate these values to student’s lives as I believe that it will provide students with the tools they need to achieve their goals now and in the future.

Who is a leader that you admire and why do you admire them?

Somebody I admire is Sir David Attenborough. In his 94 years of being on this earth he has seen and achieved incredible things. However, it is not the lengthy list of places he has been, nor the fact that he is friends with the queen that inspire me. It is his outlook on life and benevolence towards others that I admire most. He is a true hero to all because he dedicates his life to educating the world, showing us that we are all apart of something far bigger than ourselves.

What are some of your goals for the future?

In the immediate future (next year) I am not certain on the path I would like to take. Whether I have a gap year to work and travel, or head straight into Uni, I hope to be learning new things and meeting new people. If I do go to Uni, I aim to study Journalism, otherwise, as a second chance I’d love to get into sports science or even business/arts. My ultimate goal is to travel the world, however in the current climate it is unlikely that will happen in the near future, so if I take a gap year, I would love to do a trip around Australia.

Final words for readers

My favourite teaches says “you don’t have to, you get to” … Let’s all do our best and be our best in 2021