Our Year 12 Class of 2020 received their results in the holidays and we are so proud of all of them. We had students achieving scores that would rival that of any other school in the state, with ATARs over 90 and study scores over 40, students who battled not only remote learning but their own challenges who managed to achieve a Year 12 pass.

The pathways team (2020/2021) were at school for a few days prior to the new year to discuss options with our students and as always, the students all left (or ‘hung up’ in the case of our teams conferences!) with a smile on their face and a plan of action for 2021.  

A few days later, we were then excited to learn that the majority of our students who completed a VTAC application received an offer in the first round. We understand that some of the students who did not receive offers had secured employment or an offer via direct application.  We wish them all well in their future endeavours.  

In 2021 we welcome Sarah Coghlan as the new Green House Pathways Advisor, who is a wonderful addition to the team.  We would like to thank Janet Whitby for her contribution over the past two years. 

All houses are beginning their Year 12 individual MIPs appointments early this term and with such a large cohort we are expecting this to take the majority of the term.   

Jenny Roache
Senior School Leader