April has been a busy and productive time in The Arts faculty. We have been learning Guitar in Music, technical drawing in VCD, making short films in Media and preparing and setting up our amazing displays of student work and activities for potential new students for Open Night. Open Night was a huge success for the department, as curious parents explored the possibilities we offer potential students in the future and enjoyed participating in musical performances, ceramics, photography, painting and drawing. The energy and colour were wonderful and we are very grateful for the contribution from all of our staff.  

We are thrilled to welcome our new Arts Technician, Ruth Donaldson, who will be helping our instrumental music team and the arts department with displays, administration and maintenance. We would like to wish Mia Sund all the best on her maternity leave and share her excitement on her new family member. We also welcome Sarah Clarke, who will be helping with Mia’s drama classes. We have also been grateful for the contributions of pre-service Clint Eldridge, from Deakin University.  

Jordan van Keulen 
The Arts Key Learning Head