Hello friends, 

It has been exciting and refreshing to have a full term without a lockdown and now holidays are almost here…. at last. 

And this week, as I reflected on the term and made plans for how I will spend my two weeks off, I was reminded again that wisdom sometimes comes from strange places, even from Pixar cartoons. 

One of my colleagues passed me this poster saying “is this of any use to our students?”  I looked it over and replied “I don’t know about our students, but I am putting that straight on my fridge at home.” And so on the fridge it sits to remind me to use those two weeks to look after myself. I plan to try each one of those things during the break and tick them off as I go. I am not a big Dream Journaler, but might even give that one a go. 
So please practice self care of yourselves and your families over the coming holiday. 


And finally we want to remind you, that your child’s mental health and wellbeing is our priority and we want to continue to provide quality welfare support to our students. If you have any concerns at all about your child then please contact your child’s coordinator or one of our team. We are available to parents via phone or text. Your child can also contact us directly by knocking on the door of our office. We are here to support you. 


John Nichol
Student Wellbeing Leader



24 Hour Emergency 
Police/Fire/Ambulance  24 hours/7 days 000 
Kids Helpline Counselling service for people aged between 5 and 25 24 hours/7 days 1800 551 800 



(email, web chat) 

Lifeline Crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services 24 hours/7 days 13 11 14 
Beyond Blue Information and support for all ages to promote optimal mental health. 24 hours/7 days 1300 224 636 


(Chat online or email) 

1800 RESPECT 24 hour counselling line for anyone who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault. 24 hours/7 days 1800 737 732 



E headspace Provide mental health support for young people aged 12–25 Phone:  

10pm – 1am  

Online counselling: 1pm – 1am 

1800 650 890 




Inspiro Free youth, teen, young adult and family   counselling 9738 8801 

or visit https://www.inspiro.org.au/   
for more information 

Parent line  Support for Parents and carers with children from birth to 18 years8am–midnight/7 days13 22 89
EDVOSFamily violence service in Melbourne’s eastern metropolitan regionMon-Fri 9am-8pm

Sat 9am-5pm (phone or email)

03 9259 4200

