Term 2 is running away from us! The Year 7 students had their final Peer Support lessons last week. It has been another fantastic Semester of this program, led by our wonderful Year 10 Leadership Development students. A big shout out to Andrew Uren who has led this wonderful group and passed on all of his wisdom, so that they could create meaningful lessons around our 4 college values. Below you will see a snippet of 7E working through a range of team challenges.  

The Year 7’s have also been busy in PE. Gymnastics is always a crowd favorite with the students. Developing our sense of teamwork, creativity, and balance. Students worked in groups to create routines of 1-2 minutes including a range of individual and partner balances.  

Last week we returned super ecstatic, a little bit tired and a little bit wet from our Practice Journey in the Cathedral Ranges. 

Students were super enthusiastic to hike an additional 3 kilometers with their heavy packs on day 1 of Camp. Testing out the navigation of our team meant getting extra familiar with the local hiking trails and hungrier for dinner. 

Day 2 we had perfect weather to start our expedition to the top and along the mountain range of the Cathedrals. Although this was tiresome work all students felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as we discussed our achievement that night around the campfire. 

We weren’t so lucky with the weather on day 3, packing up in the rain and visiting Marysville Stevenson’s Falls meant soggy jumpers for the trip home. 

A few honorable mentions go to Hayden for being voted the most heroic, hiking back along the trail to support and even carry the bags of those at the back. Brodie for using his intuition at the end of camp when everyone was wet and tired to help hang tents safely out the way. So many students who helped move multiple trailers, I couldn’t have done it without you. 

Students applied everything they have been learning in class to their experience hiking and camping in the Cathedral Ranges, but the most memorable moments were the teamwork, compassion and resilience all students showed through this camp, I can’t wait for the next one at Wilsons Prom.

I can’t wait to see what the rest of the Semester offers!  


Stephanie Todd