There have been lunchtime activities available for staff and students for National Science Week and we hosted the inaugural Science Family Fun Night. We thank the families joined us in the activities for this year’s theme of ‘Species Survival’. The activities included building a nest, making sprout heads, designing biomimicry on butterflies, testing whale snot and building a water strider. A great time was had by all. 



Year 7 students have learnt about ecosystems and human impacts and beginning to explore forces and their effects.  


It has been busy in science with Year 8 students designing and conducting experiments as part of their student-led investigations. The students have also been refining their skills in science communication to present their research in the form of scientific posters. Energy transfer and transformation is their next topic, and they will learn how different forms of energy allow work to take place.  

Year 9 core science students have been learning about body control, exploring the brain, nervous system and hormones. In forensics the students have been learning about the different types of evidence and various careers in the field of forensic sciences, whilst in sustainability students have been learning of the changes in the Earth over time and the impact of that on present day species and ecosystems distribution. 


Year 10 psychology students have had their introduction to psychology, Year 10 biology students have been learning about cells, organelles and the processes that allow life, whilst the Year 10 physics students have been exploring Newton’s Laws. 

Students in VCE science subjects have been busily completing investigations, coursework and assessments in their respective subjects.