It has been a very busy and productive start to Term 2 in The Arts. Recently the College held its very successful Open Night for the year. Open Night was a huge success for the department, as curious parents and future students explored the possibilities we offer. Parents and students… Read More


It has been a fantastic year in The Arts. Students have been working hard to create some incredible work in both Visual Arts and Performing Arts.   In the Visual Arts, we introduced our new VCE Arts subjects, Art: Creative Practice and Art: Making and Exhibiting. Students have loved the new… Read More

Recently we held our hugely successful annual Night of Excellence. This is always a highlight for The Arts as we are able to showcase the amazing work created throughout the year in both Visual and Performing Arts.  The highlight of the evening was the VCE Arts Exhibition that showcased amazing… Read More


VCE ARTS  It is a busy time in our VCE Arts classes as students are putting the finishing touches on their SAT productions, artworks and designs. We can’t wait to showcase this amazing work at the Night of Excellence early in Term 4.  Year 10 Photography In recent weeks our… Read More

The end of Term 2 is always an exciting time in The Arts. Our students have just completed their midyear final artworks and they look fantastic! Our senior Art; Creative Practice, Art: Making and Exhibiting, Media and VCD students have really excelled. They have completed some amazing works of art… Read More

It has been a very busy and productive start to Term 2 in The Arts. Recently the College held its very successful Open Night for the year. Open Night was a huge success for the department, as curious parents and future students explored the possibilities we offer. Parents and students… Read More

Term 1 has been a very busy period in The Arts, with students completing some amazing work in both the visual arts and performing arts.    Year 12 Media students have just completed their first SAC for the semester; an analytical piece on our media narratives, Aliens and Black Widow. Next… Read More

It has been a fantastic start to the year for The Arts. Our students and staff are well rested after the break and can’t wait to create some amazing artworks and performances this year. This year we welcome Megan Furphy, Paige Carr, Jacob Ellum, Kailey Scott, Michael Jones and Bradley… Read More

This year has been a fantastic year in The Arts. It has been so great to have all of our events back with fantastic performances, displays and attendance throughout the year.  It has been a big year in the performing arts. This year we introduced our new Performing Arts subject… Read More

Our annual Night of Excellence was another huge success for The Arts. The multipurpose room was the venue for our amazing VCE Arts Showcase exhibition that displayed the incredible work completed by VCE students in Art, Media, Studio Arts and Visual Communication Design. The night also saw our junior students… Read More