The second half of Term 3 has been such an amazing time in The Arts. Our Year 12 students are very close to completing their final artworks in Art and Studio Arts, our Media students have just completed their final productions consisting of short films, magazines, photography and a graphic… Read More

Term 2 has been a busy and productive time in The Arts. Recently the College held its very successful Open Night. Open Night was a huge success for the department, as curious parents explored the possibilities we offer potential students in the future and enjoyed participating in musical performances, ceramics,… Read More

Term 1 has been a very busy period in The Arts with some amazing work being produced and created by our students from all areas of The Arts.  Our Media students have been busy analysing various films and representations. It’s great to see their appreciation and love of film really… Read More

This year has started with energy and enthusiasm in the Music department, as our program grows. We would like to warmly welcome our new instrumental staff, Clinton Eldridge (Guitar), Vivienne Doolan (Percussion) and Clare Assetta (Voice). There have been some exciting developments, with the 2022 Production We Will Rock You… Read More

It has been a fantastic start to the year for The Arts. Our students and staff are well rested after the break and can’t wait to create some amazing artworks and performances this year.    2021 SUCCESSES  We would love to extend a massive congratulations to Shayla Kimpton and Jemma… Read More


We were so thrilled to welcome students back in to our classrooms and return to practical on-site learning, where students were able to apply many theoretical skills covered in remote learning to real life situations. Instrumental teachers were very happy that the operation guide allowed them to teach on site… Read More


The Arts thankfully is an area where students can thrive in the remote learning environment. Many of our senior classes are working through their SATs and creating amazing work in their folios – from photography, film, art and illustrations. We are proud of our student’s resilience and flexibility they have shown… Read More

The Arts KLA has emerged from our latest period of remote learning successfully, ready to return to face to face learning and practical activities. Our students have been enjoying many varied activities this term, from using our new cameras to build photography skills, portraits in Art, making films in Media,… Read More

Term 2 has been a time for assessment and consolidation in The Arts, with many of our classes undertaking practical activities focusing on skill development, creating and making. Throughout the Arts this term, Year 7 Drama students have been busy working on their Fairy Tale Performance, while Year 8 Music… Read More

April has been a busy and productive time in The Arts faculty. We have been learning Guitar in Music, technical drawing in VCD, making short films in Media and preparing and setting up our amazing displays of student work and activities for potential new students for Open Night. Open Night was a huge… Read More