Welcome back to Maths for 2023!  We have started the year off strongly across all year levels. Classes have been completing hands-on activities, building fluency by completing practice questions and developing their problem solving and collaboration skills during our Numeracy lessons.  Each newsletter we will highlight some of the fabulous… Read More

Rolling Hills Primary Partnership  Term 2 will see most of our students exploring Algebra within a Mathematics and Numeracy Setting.   Continuing from last term, we have developed an exciting partnership with Rolling Hills Primary School sharing and advancing our Numeracy Programs. We have partnered with Rolling Hills as both schools… Read More

As we wrap up the longest term staff and students have had onsite for over 2 years, we can finally reflect on what has been happening throughout Term 1.   Year 7 students have returned to the Targeted Learning Program – an additional activity our Year 7 students undertake as… Read More

It has been a busy start to the year for Maths! Our Year 7 students completed PAT testing in the first two weeks of the year. This information is utilized with NAPLAN data to best provide staff with a profile of each student's mathematical ability. This also has provided staff… Read More

It has been a couple of weeks since all students returned to learning on-site and we are beginning to find normality in the classroom again.   Just like it is for students, it’s also a great time to remind our wider community of the variety of programs we offer at… Read More

Another period of remote learning has demonstrated once again the amazing work and commitment of our students. For our Year 7 – 10 students the focus has been on measurement and geometry this term. Luckily there are plenty of objects and measurements around every house for students to work these challenges out from home.  Students have been exploring areas and angles using… Read More

As we bring term 2 to an end, we reflect on the time we have used to explore algebra and cartesian planes. Students had an opportunity to apply this knowledge during our ‘Tower Challenge’ we held during remote learning. This produced some great results, and some interesting towers. Faculty favourites were Liara Summers, Aliyah Orwin, Matilda Sleeman, Lyndon Grantham, Aidan Grier. … Read More

In Mathematics, we love celebrating the amazing qualities both our students and staff have to offer. Our Mooroolbark College Open Night was an excellent opportunity to do just that. This was a fun and vibrant night that allowed us to showcase all the wonderful things we have to offer within… Read More

It has been a busy start to 2021. We have successfully increased the level of student agency within our Mathematics curriculum with student learning goals incorporated into our Year 7 and 8 Mathematics classes. We are also continuing with our Numeracy program, allowing students to work collaboratively and creatively on open ended and real-life problem-solving tasks.   We are pleased to… Read More

  I We have hit Week 7 of Remote Learning and truly settled into our new normal. Students are submitting their weekly Learning Tasks and finding their own routine as they nagivate their way through measurement and geometry from home. We are seeing a more consistent approach to the weekly Learning Tasks from students, including headings,… Read More