It’s Term 3 already and so it’s time to welcome back Mrs Jiaqi Tan after maternity leave! Due to the increasing popularity of Chinese at Mooroolbark College we are now able to have two Chinese teachers, meaning we have twice as many innovative and engaging ideas to share in Mandarin!  … Read More

Semester 2 is flying by and there are many events happening around the College.   The Year 7 and 8 students have been working hard through their Winter Sports this term. Students have had the opportunity to participate in a range of sports including Gymnastics, Hockey, Soccer, AFL, Softball and Badminton.   In Term 4 we look forward… Read More

The Arts KLA has emerged from our latest period of remote learning successfully, ready to return to face to face learning and practical activities. Our students have been enjoying many varied activities this term, from using our new cameras to build photography skills, portraits in Art, making films in Media,… Read More


English    We would like to acknowledge all the amazing efforts of students, parents, guardians, teachers, ES staff, and those in the school community who have rallied once again and gotten through the tumult of the past few weeks during remote learning. Well done!    English welcomes Sophie Morane to… Read More

With so many of our subjects being semester-based, recent weeks have seen classes consolidate students’ understanding of what they’ve learned over the semester.  Students have completed their final CAT assignments, while loose ends on earlier tasks have been resolved.  Year 7 Geography Suburb Design, Year 8 Geography Megacity Report, Year 9 World of Work Cultural Diversity and… Read More

Congratulations to all our EAL students on getting through remote learning and the end of the term. This time of year marks the end of the semester with reports soon to come out, as well as the beginning of a semester of learning. We asked some of our students what they would… Read More

As we bring term 2 to an end, we reflect on the time we have used to explore algebra and cartesian planes. Students had an opportunity to apply this knowledge during our ‘Tower Challenge’ we held during remote learning. This produced some great results, and some interesting towers. Faculty favourites were Liara Summers, Aliyah Orwin, Matilda Sleeman, Lyndon Grantham, Aidan Grier. … Read More

The practical component of Science is often the most appealing part for students. They get to use equipment that is unfamiliar and it allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the theory taught. Our year 7 students have been learning about separation techniques used in laboratories, desalination plants, sewage… Read More

Term 2 has been a time for assessment and consolidation in The Arts, with many of our classes undertaking practical activities focusing on skill development, creating and making. Throughout the Arts this term, Year 7 Drama students have been busy working on their Fairy Tale Performance, while Year 8 Music… Read More

Students have been working hard in Technology to master the skills they have been learning and to finish the products they have been tasked with.   The Year 11 Systems Engineering class have had their drag races run and won with the fastest vehicle belonging to Lachlan Sturrock. There were… Read More