The Arts has hit the ground running in 2021. The junior students have already produced some amazing and creative work whilst our senior students have started to develop some truly incredible ideas that we can’t wait to see come to fruition.     MEDIA  Our Year 10 Media students began the semester by completing their… Read More

Welcome back to school everyone! Whether it’s welcome back to our returning students or to school generally for our new Year 7s, we would like to extend our welcoming greetings to everyone. We hope 2021 will be a return to normality. Mrs Henderson, Ms Jiang and I are very much… Read More


A huge welcome to all of our students as we begin another exciting year at Mooroolbark College. We look forward to spending many lessons together exploring and experimenting to find out how the universe works. Our Year 7 students have already begun by transforming into detectives as they investigate the… Read More

A huge welcome back to all students for 2021. I would first like to welcome all of our Year 7s to the College. I hope you enjoy everything that Mooroolbark College has to offer in our Health and Physical Education program. I encourage all students to participate in house events and interschool sports. This is… Read More


Welcome back to all our lovely new and returning English students. The year ahead is hopefully going to be a great one where we take back what we may have lost in the year that was. I want to take this opportunity too, to thank our amazing English faculty and… Read More

The Mooroolbark College Instrumental Music Program provides excellent opportunities for students to learn and participate in music performance. The proven benefits of learning an instrument include the enhancement of fine motor skills, improvement of short & long term memory, and ensemble participation expands student’s social networks. But most importantly, it’s… Read More

It’s been an eventful start to 2021 for EAL students and staff.  We have been busy welcoming new students: 9 who have come from primary school and have started Year 7, and 4 new students who have moved schools into Year levels 8-11. We are very pleased to see these students… Read More

When looking at the theme of ‘Excellence in Remote learning’, The Arts is one area that has definitely excelled. When we first started, we were all a little cautious. How would the students go without full access to the materials, to the equipment or to the technology? However, as we knew they would, the students have risen to the challenge and produced some amazing… Read More

Our classes have been busy with lots of great activities during remote learning.  Here are a few examples:  Year 8 History students have created some great posters to show how Vikings used resources.    Year 7 Geography classes have been busy investigating issues of water scarcity from countries including Egypt, Chad, Ethiopia and… Read More