I We have hit Week 7 of Remote Learning and truly settled into our new normal. Students are submitting their weekly Learning Tasks and finding their own routine as they nagivate their way through measurement and geometry from home. We are seeing a more consistent approach to the weekly Learning Tasks from students, including headings,… Read More

Remote Learning in Science has provided our students with the opportunity to explore their own environment at home. Not only have they visited local waterways to examine the organisms found in ecosystems, they have also looked closely within the own backyards at the species which may be found there.  Some students have been exploring their… Read More

In isolation it can be tough to get out and exercise, especially if it’s just for one hour a day. The PE team at Mooroolbark have been putting our creative minds together to try and come up with ways to encourage both staff and students to be active during lockdown. With the… Read More

Excellence in remote learning Remote learning has been a challenge for everyone, with our school being no exception. However, our teachers are constantly pivoting to try to improve how students learn from home by adjusting their teaching style accordingly.  Sometimes ongoing changes have been frustrating, but I understand the reason for the school leadership’s focus on the continuous improvement of the way it supports it’s students.    Thanks to Microsoft Teams, leadership… Read More

Remote learning has been a true challenge to many but nothing the English faculty and students could not handle, nay flourish in! We are amazed by the resilience and efforts students in English have shown and hope that this continues. We hear from some of our finest, as they recount some of the online accomplishments… Read More

Remote learning has been challenging for everyone, however we would like to acknowledge the added layer of complexity many of our EAL families are facing during this time. We have continued to see outstanding work from students during remote learning. The following two pieces of work are just two examples of the wonderful work being completed by our students.   Biak… Read More

  Music News  With the beginning of Semester 2, we again found ourselves working from home with Remote Learning.  While things may be a little different to our normal onsite schooling, music lessons are running as usual using TEAMS just like in other subjects.  It’s great to see our music students… Read More