Whilst our Year 12 students have finished their classes and Year 11 classes are now revising for exams, our junior students are in full swing designing and undertaking experiments; and communicating the results of their student led investigations.   In Year 8 Science students have finished their Energy transferring and transformations… Read More

Congratulations to our Year 12 Mathematics students on successfully completing Units 3 and 4! This year we had 58 students complete General Mathematics and 13 students complete Mathematical Methods. We are so proud of all of these students for completing their secondary school Mathematics journey and wish them the best… Read More


As we come to the end of our first year of the new Year 9 English Core Elective program, I thought it timely to get some student feedback on what they have been doing recently and what they enjoyed the most about being able to select from a wide variety… Read More


Mooroolbark College have been working around the clock to ensure there is Literacy learning across the whole school and this is evident in the many areas and KLAs. This edition of the newsletter not only offers another instalment of ‘The Pseudonym Group’ but we also provide you with a carousel… Read More


As we approach the end of Term 3 – already! Goodness, how the year has raced ahead! It has been a pleasure to see our language learners make such progress this year, which students notice themselves. Nowhere is this more obvious than with our Oral assessments, when students realise they… Read More


As usual there has been a lot happening in Science, with the countdown to the Year 12’s finishing early next term. Unit 4 Chemistry students have finished up organic chemistry and chemical pathways and are now commencing to look at the implications that this has on food chemistry. The  Unit… Read More


VCE ARTS  It is a busy time in our VCE Arts classes as students are putting the finishing touches on their SAT productions, artworks and designs. We can’t wait to showcase this amazing work at the Night of Excellence early in Term 4.  Year 10 Photography In recent weeks our… Read More

Term 3 has provided the Health and PE students with some much-needed respite, although it has been cold, students have been able to get outside for all their practical lessons which is pleasing to see.  The Year 7 students have been loving the winter sunshine whilst completing their Hockey unit.… Read More

In early April, what started out as an Easter related Numeracy activity in class, exploded into a game of estimation across the whole school. The task was simple; calculate how many eggs will fit on the pin board. Students even got a hint, the board was already started, so some… Read More

What is VCE-VM Numeracy?  VCE Vocational Major Numeracy focuses on enabling students to develop and enhance their numeracy skills to make sense of their personal, public and vocational lives. It is based on an applied learning approach, ensuring students feel empowered to make informed choices about the next stage of… Read More