TOURNAMENT OF MINDS CLUB Tournament of Minds (TOM) is an exciting competition that challenges students to think critically, solve complex problems, and work as a team. Competing across disciplines like STEM, the Arts, Language Literature, and Social Sciences, students develop creativity, communication, and problem-solving skills. This year, our talented student team will showcase their ingenuity, […]

Year 7 Camp at Forest Edge: 3 Days of Adventure and Fun! Year 7 students recently embarked on an unforgettable camp at Forest Edge, filled with excitement, adventure, and new friendships. Over the course of the trip, students took part in a variety of thrilling activities that challenged them both physically and mentally including the […]

On March 4th, we held our annual swimming carnival at Croydon Memorial Pool. It was a gorgeous, sunny day, and the turnout for all events was fantastic. The venue was filled with a sea of colors – blue, green, red, and yellow – representing each house prominently throughout the day. We were especially thrilled by […]

Launching the Year 9 Shield Program: Embracing Endeavour and Growth! The Year 9 Shield Program has officially kicked off, bringing a wave of excitement and anticipation among students. Designed to foster teamwork, resilience, and personal growth, this program provides students with a diverse range of opportunities to develop their skills across various areas. As the […]

Be Inspired: Student Leadership at Mooroolbark College As you settle into this exciting new chapter, we want to introduce you to one of the most rewarding opportunities available — Student Leadership. At Mooroolbark College, student leaders aren’t just given a badge — they make a real difference. They are role models, and the driving force […]

The senior school student’s year has started with a bang! All year 12 students took part in a “Deep Dive into 2025” which involved a day spent together forming relationships, team building and motivating them for the year ahead. Our starting session was with Daniel Merza, a speaker who travels the world talking to students […]

The Junior School team is delighted to welcome students back in 2025. We are excited for a fantastic year ahead, filled with opportunities to connect, explore, and challenge ourselves. Highlights of the year include the Year 8 Summit Camp, Year 9 City Experience, interschool sports, meeting our new ‘Connect’ groups, and visits to the Yarra […]

BAAN, BIIK, NGAWAN, DARRANG HOUSE REPORT Baan, Biik, Ngawan, and Darrang Houses have been organising and presenting our academic awards assemblies. These events are an exciting time with students getting rewarded for their hard work in Semester 1. Many of our students will also be receiving Values Awards in the House assemblies over the coming […]

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is a community event that raises vital funds to make a big difference for those impacted by cancer. Fundraising Biggest Morning Tea Sponsors Mooroolbark College would like to thank all the sponsors who donated to our annual Fundraiser ‘Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.’ Without their […]

COME AND HELP US RAISE SOME FUNDS! Volunteers requested for a Bunnings BBQ on Saturday 27 July – contact Sally Jackson at the College on 9727 8100 if you can help for an hour or two. The Mooroolbark College Parent’s Association (MCPA) will be cooking up a storm at Bunnings Croydon (268-288 Maroondah Hwy, Chirnside […]