As always, the Library has been very busy organising our collection! We have some fantastic new titles, which are all on display and we are always willing to offer a recommendation. If you haven’t been into the Library for a while, make sure you find time to drop in and see us!   While we… Read More

With lockdown 5 done and dusted, it is nice to be back to our busy, noisy normal self. We are once again hearing stories from students about struggle and survival and resilience and almost universally students are saying “I am so glad to be back”. So now we focus on… Read More

The Red House spirit has continued strong this year. We have had some outstanding achievements. Firstly, we are currently leading the tally board for the house with the most merits received. Congratulations to all students who have received merits and let’s keep them coming! Remember you get merits by displaying our… Read More

Here is a quick overview of the diverse topics and tasks VCAL students are focused on at the beginning of Term 3.   Work Related Skills  Year 11 WRS students have been planning for Market Day and completing their Food Safety Handling training. Whilst Year 12 have been learning about… Read More

Term 3 is a very busy time in the Pathways area. Course Counselling for 2022 is well underway, with the current Year 8 and 9 students having completed their selections. Year 11 and Year 10 students have just had their Course Counselling sessions this week.    It is important that students… Read More

Whilst we have now come out of remote learning (and fingers crossed it is for the last time), the information below is still very relevant. The Lockdown Survival Guide was put together by Amy Donaldson, one of our new Mental Health Practitioners.  It has useful tips for students and parents… Read More

Green House started 2021 with a BANG! We were all keen to see us get off the bottom of the House Cup ladder so we set our motto for 2021 to be “Green House – Number 1 in 2021!”  The enthusiasm and commitment from the students at the Swimming Carnival… Read More


Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals:  On the 27th March, we held our annual Cross Country Carnival at Lilydale Lake. There was a record number of sign up’s, with over 500 students running on the day. It was fantastic to see some extremely competitive races, with some age group champions decided… Read More

As staff and students return to school over the past two weeks, I am reminded of the generosity, resilience on good will of all members of our College Community. The staff and students have worked so incredibly hard to make Remote Learning work so effectively demonstrating the College values of… Read More