Sometimes wisdom comes from strange places, even from Pixar cartoons. I was sitting in my office last week, taking a short breather and reflecting on Term 1. As I pondered how I could best use the upcoming holidays to rest and re-energise, one of my colleagues walked in and passed me this poster saying “is this… Read More

Student Excellence Programs at Mooroolbark College  As Mooroolbark College’s High Ability Practice Leader, my role within the College is to coordinate the school’s programs and supports for high-ability students. Victorian High Ability Program   This year Mooroolbark College has students participating in the Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP).  This program provides… Read More


The Library has been very busy this month celebrating a range of events, from International Women’s Day and Hearing Awareness Week to Clean Up Australia Day and International Pi Day! Recommendations of titles that you can read that are linked to these great causes have been on display over the month. Go… Read More


Swimming Carnival On Tuesday 2nd March, we hosted our annual Swimming Carnival at Croydon Memorial pool. Despite a cooler day than usual, it was amazing to see the level of participation in all events. The venue was flooded in a sea of blue, green, red and yellow. Each house was heavily represented in… Read More


Term 1 has been an extremely busy one for the canteen. The staff and students have embraced the changes in our canteen menu and payment systems. The Burmese Food day we celebrated in the canteen was a huge success and the food prepared for us by "Little Burma" was delicious.… Read More

The Year 12 MIPs appointments are well underway with many students having completed their individual pathways appointment and are making decisions about their lives beyond high school Mooroolbark College. It is an exciting time for all students. Additionally, we encourage them to continue the conversation with parents, teachers, Pathways Advisors… Read More

CAPTAIN'S PROFILE: JORDYN DOEVELAAR What do you hope to achieve this year in your role?  I hope to achieve all the goals that Harry and I aim to reach, such as leading Blue House to another House Cup victory and gaining more participation within Blue House. As well as continuing to be the best captain I can be, to further develop my leadership… Read More

What do you hope to achieve this year in your role? As captain of the college, I will endeavour for the improvement of the school community and culture amongst the students. It is my goal to make time in the college as enjoyable and positive for the students as possible.… Read More


The year 7 Aspire class started the year with excitement and challenges. As well as getting to know each other and becoming familiar with the school, the class has been busy engaging in lots of work! They have competed open-ended Numeracy tasks and started their first CAT with Mrs Salmon… Read More


What a start to the year! We welcomed our Red House Year 7s on Friday 29th January and welcomed back our VCE students. The Year 7s started the day off in our Red House group, getting to know each other and the Red House Coordinators. The Year 7s showed excellent… Read More