Our Year 12 Class of 2020 received their results in the holidays and we are so proud of all of them. We had students achieving scores that would rival that of any other school in the state, with ATARs over 90 and study scores over 40, students who battled not… Read More

Welcome back to a new school year. Lets hope for a less disrupted year than 2020. Exciting news in student wellbeing at Mooroolbark College, we welcome two new mental health workers to the College. Siobhan O’Halloran and Amy Donaldson are working part time in the College as counsellors to support… Read More


Have you been in to visit the Library yet? We have some fantastic new recommendations on display for our Year 7 and 8 students to read during Independent Reading and we encourage you to speak to the Librarians if you need some more ideas. Our non-fiction section is undergoing review… Read More


On Thursday 11th February, the senior school participated in the Maroondah summer interschool sport carnival. Mooroolbark College sent teams to compete in volleyball and cricket. Despite playing in the final, the girls cricket team fell to the experienced Norwood Secondary College. It was great to see the comradery between all… Read More

What do you hope to achieve this year in your role? This year, as College Captain I aspire to encourage all students to emulate our four college values: Resilience, Endeavour, Compassion and Respect. having resilience when life is tough, endeavoring to be the best version of yourself, having compassion for… Read More

Congratulations to Blue House, Mooroolbark College House Cup winners for 2020!  1st Blue House - 9035 points  2nd Yellow House - 8563 points  3rd Red House - 8384 points  4th Green House - 8146 points  A special mention to the following Houses for achieving success in the following areas:  Yellow… Read More

With the college full of students again, it is nice we are at last back to our busy, noisy normal self. We are hearing stories from students about struggle and survival and resilience and almost universally students are saying “I am so glad to be back”. Our goal for the… Read More

During this month Year 9, 10 and 11 students have received their subject selection packages for 2021 during an assembly. Most of the students have made informed subject choices. Some students have the taken up the opportunity to review their subjects with their respective Pathways Advisor and then book in an appointment to… Read More