With the end of the year in sight our students are busy finalising their assessment tasks. These have predominantly had a focus on data collection and analysis and it has been fantastic seeing the breadth of ideas and submissions from our students;  from the most popular streaming services to the… Read More

Congratulations to the year 12 students who have completed their English exams. It is an incredible achievement and all English teachers who have been involved in your year 7-12 journey are very proud of you!  Looking at what is happening in our classrooms, Year 10 students will experience the wonderful event of a 2-hour exam and we wish them the very best. At… Read More

All students have returned to the workshops and projects are in full production mode. The Year 7’s are working on their Tangram’s and have been working so well that many are undertaking the extension task part of the project and shaping the Tangram to give it an individual look.  The Year 9’s… Read More

Will the heavier skydiver land faster than the lighter one? Will a larger parachute reduce the speed at which a skydiver falls? Our Year 7’s have been investigating these questions this term. Working in small teams, students’ skydivers took many jumps from great heights and their times were recorded. Students wrote a scientific report on their findings and linked… Read More

Huge congratulations are in order for our VCAL students for successfully submitting their work to complete their 2020 certificates. This year has brought many challenges and our applied learners have worked very hard to overcome them, we are very proud of them.    Looking forward, we are excited to start our 2021 programme… Read More

The last month in The Arts has been a busy one. In the classroom our students have been excelling whilst finishing off their final artworks for the semester. The stand of work being produced this year is super high and very impressive. Outside of the classroom, we haven’t let COVID… Read More

As the year draws to a close, we’d like to reflect on some of the positive things that have come out of the last few months. Lockdown has certainly had its challenges, however, here in the Library, we feel that it’s provided us with the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time… Read More

Juniors  As we head into the final few weeks of Term 4 and the weather is getting warmer, students are reminded that they must bring their hat and drink bottle to all PE classes.   Across all year levels in 7-9, students have been working through sport-based tournaments including Netball, AFL and Handball.… Read More

Our focus has been on supporting students to finalise their major assessments.  Earlier this semester, staff restructured many units with the aim of being able to provide more assistance in Term 4 when we would all be back at the College.  As a result, Humanities classes have worked on more… Read More

HOUSE REPORT - GREEN HOUSE  It has been great having the entire Green House cohort back on Campus the past month. Whilst it was quite stressful for some to return, I am pleased to see everyone settling back into the school routine.  We have been concentrating on getting the Green… Read More