A big warm welcome back to our Year 7 and Senior School students.  It has been fantastic to see so many smiling faces in and out of the classroom and we cannot wait for a full return of our 8-10 students on Monday 26th October.  The PE department has faced many challenges this year, however we are extremely pleased to be running our full… Read More

Our Year 7s have made an excellent start to Independent Reading in Term 4. It has been great to see the range of texts that students have chosen to read – from a Fornite How-To Guide to my personal favourite, the Harry Potter series. This program provides our students with the opportunity to foster a love of reading, whilst also developing… Read More

The Maths KLA, as I’m sure in every other corner of Mooroolbark College, has been extremely excited to welcome back our Year 7s and VCE students. The joys of seeing real faces and expressions is unexplainable. Our VCE students are valuing their final weeks with their teachers and are grateful for direct feedback… Read More

At the time of writing, the Languages KLA at Mooroolbark College is in the process of preparing for and eagerly anticipating the full return of students after months of lockdown!  During the lockdown students had the opportunity to participate actively in online classes and those who contributed consistently and to a high standard… Read More

We are looking forward to having all students back on site.  EAL homegroup will not be running onsite during Term 4, however, students can still contact us through Teams. We will continue to send out information to students and families through Teams and Compass, and also continue to support students during classes.  Course confirmation will have a different format… Read More

2020 is a year like no other. The challenges of COVID-19 continue but I am confident that we have the experience, support, skills, optimism and team work to help each other get through these difficult times.  We continue to see excellence in all aspects of our College community and that is… Read More

In moments of challenge, we must learn to adapt. It’s definitely a test for a library during the Remote Learning period, however, we’ve risen to the challenge which we have been presented with and have looked at new and exciting ways to engage with our community while we are mostly… Read More

Mindfulness Matters How often do you take time out to focus on you and your well-being? Join us for a relaxed mindfulness session, every Friday, in the comfort of your own home! Email us to join! mindfulness@mooroolbarkcollege.vic.edu.au Jamila Lopez QuickSmart Literacy Instructor Jana Lant QuickSmart Literacy Coordinator Read More

Year 6 to 7 Transition While Year 6 students have been undertaking Remote Learning with their Primary School, here at Mooroolbark College we have been finalising our intake for Year 7, 2021. In accordance with the latest DET transition guidelines, placement offers have been forwarded to Primary Schools to advise current Year 6 students.  An information pack from… Read More