VCE/VCAL/VET  Term 3 is an exciting and busy time of the school year for Senior School students. It was wonderful to welcome our Year 11 and Year 12 students back to the College, and they have quickly adapted to the new social distancing and hygiene requirements. While the current restrictions have affected… Read More

    We have entered one of our busiest times of the year for the Pathways Team, with students making some major decisions about their course selection for next year. Pathways sessions, Virtual Information Sessions and Course Counselling sessions are all happening during July and into August. The students should… Read More

Student Reports Semester 1 2020 The end of semester reports looked a little different this year for two reasons. Firstly, the department guidelines for reports during Remote Learning were slightly modified, and secondly, after successfully trialling Continuous Reporting in 2019, the entire reporting process moved to this model for this… Read More

As staff and students return to school, I am filled with gratitude and amazement. The staff and students have worked so incredibly hard to make Remote Learning work so effectively demonstrating the College values of resilience, respect, endeavour and compassion. As a result, the transition back to traditional schooling has… Read More

As the weather cools, the library is the best place to visit during term time! There’s nothing better than curling up with a good book, and we’ve got some great new reads in the library to help you while away the hours wrapped up in an amazing book. We encourage… Read More

Welcome back to school from the English KLA! Whilst it was challenging for many, including us, we wanted to acknowledge how well students did over this unprecedented time and say thank you to those at home supporting them. Its back to business as normal with many novels and films introduced… Read More

It has been a strange term for instrumental music. Our Instrumental Music teachers have been busy teaching students remotely, learning how to teach in this environment has been both rewarding and challenging. The greatest benefit for our Performing Arts students has been the opportunity for students to take a break… Read More

On behalf of the Performing Arts area, I would like to extend a big welcome back to all! Whilst we have been away, the College’s building program has gone on undeterred, and as a part of that, our Facilities Manager, Matt Wildner has done a great job in transforming X-10… Read More

SCIENCE We re-engaged our students back into Science through practical activities with an inquiry and investigation focus. Our Year 7s have been busy exploring iron content in cereals using magnetic separation techniques. This allowed them to finish off the unit they had been exploring through remote learning. During our last… Read More

Due to COVID-19 restrictions on excursions, the annual cross-country carnival was held at school rather than the Lilydale Lake. This created the opportunity to run things a little differently and there was significant excitement surrounding the opportunity to complete a cross-country circuit at the College. Students in Year 7, 8… Read More