Invitation to Join & Annual General Meeting
The Mooroolbark College Parents Association (MCPA) performs an important function in the College community and the College encourages parents and guardians to become involved. The MCPA meets on the first Monday of the month at 7.00pm in the Administration Centre or via TEAMs. Mooroolbark College is one of the few secondary colleges to still have an active parents’ group, a fact we are very proud of.
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the association are:
- To contribute to the wellbeing of the college community
- To encourage the participation of parents in the life of the college and the education of their children
- To provide opportunities for parents of students to discuss the welfare and the general education policy of the College
- To help in the development of a shared parent view
- To contribute to proposals on college policy and other educational issues to the College council
- To provide opportunities for parents to get to know other parents and staff and to be informed about their child’s school
- To provide information that enables parents/guardians to extend their understanding of school issues
- To work in co-operation with the College Council and the Principal
- To raise funds for the benefit of the College (optional)
The MCPA (formally known as the PTCA) has been in operation for over 40 years. It’s contribution to the College in more recent years, has included the funding of shade sails, sports equipment/play equipment, musical instruments, and outdoor education equipment. In 2022, the MCPA contributed to the set-up of the new Student Wellbeing Centre.
Each year the MCPA contributes to the annual Awards Night through the provision of the MCPA Awards. The MCPA also contributes to whole school activities by running a kiosk at the annual college production, assisting annually with the College Debutante Balls and involves itself in other various activities, including the Bunnings Sausage sizzle and Open Night BBQ.
Membership is open to any parent or guardian of a child attending the school or any other interested party.
Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month. For any further information, please contact Sally Jackson at the College on 9727 8100 or email