Happy Term 2 everyone! First things first, I would like to extend a big congratulations to everyone in the Humanities team for the excellent showing at this year’s Open Night. We had a terrific set of displays in place and more importantly we had some excellent interactions with our community… Read More

Welcome  Term 2 has started very well, and we are so pleased to see so many students wearing correct uniforms, attending Home Group and having locks on their lockers. As we move into the colder months, it is important that students remember to wear the correct school uniform and to… Read More


Cross Country Carnival  On Monday 8th May, we held our annual Cross Country Carnival at Lilydale Lake. There was a fantastic number of sign up’s, with over 400 students running on the day. It was fantastic to see some extremely competitive races, with some age group champions decided by less… Read More

The Duke of Ed class has returned from the Cathedral ranges after completing their practice Journey.   With resilience, positivity and an amazing sense of team spirit this group handled the challenging conditions in a way that that would make all parents proud! We experienced rain all day on our first… Read More


Open Night  The English Faculty had a great night at open night. It was a wonderful opportunity to highlight some of the amazing work that our students are completing at all year levels.  We were able to showcase some of the new programs that have been introduced this year such… Read More


Welcome back to Term 2!   Please find attached the new Winter Menu for terms 2 and 3. I encourage you to place a lunch order if you know what you would like to order from the canteen. This ensures that you will receive the food you want and avoid waiting… Read More

As Term 2 kicks off with a blast, we’d like to take the opportunity to remind any interested families that our ASPIRE Testing Day will take place on Saturday, October 7th 2023. We would like to strongly encourage you to make a booking using the Trybooking link (attached below) to… Read More

Year 8 students were in the deep end and on a mission to decide the best paper towel on the shelf at Coles. With Three brands; Coles, Handee and Viva, students were give the task to measure the absorbency of each brand and decide which item is the best value.… Read More

Open Night was a huge success for Maths! Thank you to the staff and students that helped out with activities on the night. We were so proud showcasing our fabulous Maths room in the Discovery Centre and explaining all of the wonderful programs we offer. Some of the activities/displays we… Read More