We have had a very busy start to Term 1 with experiments, CATs and Open Night.   Open Night was fantastic fun in Science, the Chemistry Lab was very busy with people watching flame tests and demonstrations with dry ice and getting involved in activities with magnets.  The Biology Lab was… Read More

Term 2 has started busy in the STEAM space. We continue to bring events that expose our students to a range of STEM dispositions.  The Year 8 students in Digital technology classes undertook a two-day course called High Tech Hospital where they were challenged to think about the future hospital… Read More

The Pathways Team have had a busy start to 2023. Working our way through Year 12 and Year 11 Career Meetings, where each individual student is met with to discuss their future plans. Our doors are always open and we welcome students to make contact with us if they have… Read More

It has been a very busy and productive start to Term 2 in The Arts. Recently the College held its very successful Open Night for the year. Open Night was a huge success for the department, as curious parents and future students explored the possibilities we offer. Parents and students… Read More

Progress is continuing in the design based Technology area of the school, as students work towards completing and refining their projects. What they create is varied across all subjects, design briefs and limited only by their imagination.   Year 7 food studies are designing muffin recipes that they will be… Read More

Term 2 is a short term in terms of completing Units 1 and 3. Year 10 and 11 students are heading towards mid-year exams. Year 12 students are busy completing many SACs and coursework items. A reminder that the due date for coursework across senior school, both VCE and VCE-VM… Read More

The SRC are pleased to report another successful start to the term.  We hit the ground running with Open night, as we assisted in Tours, performances and the MCPA BBQ.  It was great to meet so many new families and prospective students and share what makes our school so special!  There… Read More

And it’s a warm welcome to Term 2 – the term that culminates with the highlight of the languages year: The Year 8 cultural excursion to the city! More on that a little later...   On the 1st of May, Mooroolbark College welcomed many visitors to our Open Night. It was… Read More

We have another amazing instalment of The Pseudonym Group pieces and the uber talented writers and artists involved. We are all so happy to have a space to represent these students in a safe and secure way. Enjoy!     Literacy LORE classes have entered the term of competition reading… Read More