Welcome to 2023! Its been great to see a mix of new and old faces at the College and to hear all about the holidays. One of the strengths of Mooroolbark College is the sense of community that has been formed through relationship building. The wellbeing team has been busy… Read More


It’s been a busy start to the year, as always in Science. Our Year 7 students have enthusiastically been learning about laboratory safety and learning to select the correct equipment fit for purpose. They are putting this knowledge into practice when doing experiments, and students will be gaining their Bunsen… Read More


This month, we offer a warm welcome to our brand new Year 7 ASPIRE class for 2023! Secondly, and no less importantly, we also welcome back our Year 8 ASPIRE class for an exciting new year. This year will be jam-packed with engaging experiences (including a visit to Yarra Ranges… Read More

Demonstrations of excellence have not been difficult to find this year. What better representation to highlight such work is the annual night of excellence. It was a tremendous success, and it was fantastic to see work from both health and physical education students on show. The students should be extremely… Read More

Term 4 has been a busy term, with lots to celebrate and lots of good-byes. At the beginning of the term we had our last house assemblies with our Year 12 cohort, to send them off and wish them well on their exams. We have celebrated many value award winners… Read More

It is hard to believe the school year once again draws to a close, I would like to thank the community for their ongoing support of the College as we continue to strive for excellence to ensure our students have the best possible educational outcomes. This year has been an… Read More


We are thinking of our Year 12 Humanities students who are awaiting their results at the time of writing. Many thanks to Maria Pisano & Natalie Bisi (Business Management), Arran Stuart (Accounting)and Alex Scott (Legal Studies) for going above and beyond with their classes, plus all the Humanities staff who… Read More


The year 2022 was a ripsnorter! There were changes aplenty and some exciting new initiatives and programs that will continue into 2023 and beyond. It would be remiss of I not to mention the immense support and endeavours of our Independent Reading teachers who managed the new aspects with enthusiasm… Read More

Meet the new SRC Executive!     Some long time members mixed with fresh faces to the school, the SRC is thrilled to welcome into office Aliyah Orwin (President), Minh Nguyen (Vice President), Daniel Bohun (Secretary), Micah Cove (Treasurer), Tiffany Chew (Publicity Manager) and Victoria Niang Suan Hoih (Photographer).    The… Read More

The year has gone by so quickly and it is hard to believe we are at the time of the very last newsletter of 2022! Isn't it a great opportunity now to reflect and celebrate the achievements of the EAL faculty in 2022. Wakakirri Dance Festival has been the absolute… Read More