The main focus this month will be Night of Excellence. Planning is well under way and we are looking forward to hearing good things from the night and congratulate the students whose work is being displayed.  Planning is also underway for 2023. The KLA is planning for new subjects and… Read More

The SRC had a fantastic end to term 3, running the school’s first ever Mullets for Mental Health campaign successfully. With the help of Mr Ingham bravely cutting his hair in the middle of the Quad, the school was able to raise $2380! This is halfway to our ambitious’ goal… Read More


The benefits of reading have always been positive, and are well documented. In addition to increasing your vocabulary and developing your literacy, there are also many health benefits, including developing empathy and understanding.   In the period after World War I, nurses and doctors started to appreciate the calming and restorative… Read More


This term our Year 7 and 8 Aspire classes headed to the Zoo for an enrichment excursion.  It was fabulous to see the students excited about an excursion and ready for a day of fun and learning with their peers. They completed the Animal Classification and Adaptations program. Here’s what… Read More

The SRC has had a busy term preparing for Body Kindness Month.  We have been working closely with students Belle Gavin, Natasha Rowe and Zoe Jackson, preparing for Mullets for Mental Health all year, and the big month has finally arrived.  Students have been busy interviewing staff and students, preparing… Read More

Recently the College celebrated Wear it Purple Day. The day is all about celebrating LGBTIQ+ youth being who they are whilst celebrating diversity and inclusion as a community. As a College, we celebrated the day with a Rainbow Picnic, flag raising ceremony at Yarra Ranges Council offices, purple canteen goodies,… Read More


Term 3 has continued to be a very productive one for the canteen as we continue to see improvement in our facilities with our new oven being delivered and installed. This allows us to do more cooking onsite and contribute to many of our clubs that are run throughout the… Read More

We are coming up to the final weeks of senior school classes, especially with the Year 12 students. Preparations for the Year 12 celebrations are underway, as well as planning for the Class of 2023.  Elevate Education session  Elevate Education came for their final session “Ace you exams” on Tuesday… Read More


Year 7 English  Year 7 English has just finished their study of Things a Map Won’t Show You. The last story we studied was The year King by Michael Pryor which is a fantasy story. As a creative task Ms. Farrell’s 7E created their own fantasy characters and then brought… Read More

What a jam-packed Term 3 it has been. With 2 weeks to go it is a timely reminder to sit back and reflect on all the wonderful achievements and adventures our students have been completing in Health and Physical Education. I am so proud of all our students who have… Read More