We are STEAMing ahead at Mooroolbark College with bringing in many new STEM/STEAM initiatives for students.   In a most recent STEM experience students from Year 9 Innovate Science took part in a STEM challenge where they designed a Shake table and Tower to test the integrity of the structure.… Read More

As you know, one of our four core values is COMPASSION and we want all our students to develop into caring and compassionate people who seek to look after others. Over the course of last week we had presentations in homegroup around RUOK day that were designed to upskill and… Read More


The second half of Term 3 has been such an amazing time in The Arts. Our Year 12 students are very close to completing their final artworks in Art and Studio Arts, our Media students have just completed their final productions consisting of short films, magazines, photography and a graphic… Read More


Our classes have been busy with lots of great activities over recent weeks.  Here are a few examples:  Year 8 History students created marvellous posters explaining how Vikings used resources.    Year 7 Geography classes completed map and line drawings and are now investigating issues of water scarcity from countries such… Read More

Student Wellbeing and Learning Centre  Darrang and Baan Houses have moved into the new Student Wellbeing and Learning Centre – the new ‘heart of the school’. It has been exciting to see students using the space as a social area at lunchtimes and for quiet study with tutors during classes.… Read More


As we approach the end of Term 3 – already! Goodness, how the year has raced ahead! It has been a pleasure to see our language learners make such progress this year, which students notice themselves. Nowhere is this more obvious than with our Oral assessments, when students realise they… Read More


Term 3 has been a very busy in Science with National Science Week taking place 13th-21st of August. We had a week full of lunchtime activities all around the theme of glass! Students had the opportunity to create sun catchers, kaleidoscopes and complete a range of experiments looking at the… Read More


Earlier this year Elevate Education ran seminars with our senior students on organisation and study skills. This term they will be visiting again on Tuesday 6th September. The focus of this session is “Ace your exams” and will include: Highest value exam preparation tasks Fixing mistakes to ensure constant improvement… Read More


Welcome Back... and It's Excursion Time!  And welcome back to Languages in Term 3. If you are in Year 8 you can look forward to investigating topics such Food and School and celebrating your studies with an excursion to the city at the end of the term. We will be… Read More


Literacy across the school is as palpable as ever and has been showcased heavily in our two major ventures within the Independent Reading program – Literature Circles and Textageddon where there is a greater focus on reading, writing and confidence in engaging in open and critical discussions. How Does Literature… Read More