It has been a busy start to the year with sport, and health is our top priority as we head into the winter months.   Athletics Carnival  Nothing beats a chilly winters day and an Athletics Carnival to get hearts racing. From novelty events like ‘who can kick the longest’?… Read More

The main focus since our the last newsletter was open night and I want to thank all of the Technology staff for the outstanding effort that was made on the night.  Food technology cooked biscuits and the laser cutter made ‘Mooroolbark College Rules’ all of which were given away to… Read More

Hello friends,  We regularly tell our Mooroolbark College students that we care about them. Despite the importance of doing their best with school work, their overall wellbeing is of much more importance to us. We have had recent events within the College to emphasise this.  Our Harmony Day school assembly… Read More


Term 2 has been a very busy place in Science, with classes settling in and completing a range of hands on experiments all themed around Chemistry. Our year 7 students have been learning all about mixtures and completing an array of experiments exploring separation techniques. This has led them to… Read More

Great start to Term 2  We are almost halfway through Term 2 and despite the publicity currently in the media about the impact of Covid on school operations, I am proud to report that Mooroolbark College has been able to continue with its program of providing students with quality educational… Read More

Rolling Hills Primary Partnership  Term 2 will see most of our students exploring Algebra within a Mathematics and Numeracy Setting.   Continuing from last term, we have developed an exciting partnership with Rolling Hills Primary School sharing and advancing our Numeracy Programs. We have partnered with Rolling Hills as both schools… Read More

The Premier’s Reading Challenge has proven to be a very popular competition over the last few days with a massive 574 students registering to compete and 205 books already finished at the close of April. Notable mentions to Georgie Collyer, Hayden Dempster, Summer Tuppenney and Giselle Leonard who have read… Read More


Whispers around the library are that the new building is nearing completion, and hopefully by the time we get to write again for the next newsletter, we will have lots of news to share with you, as well as a brand new space to read in! But for now, the… Read More

Welcome back to Languages in Term 2. If you are in Year 8 you can look forward to investigating topics such Food and School and celebrating your studies with an excursion to the city at the end of the term. We will be visiting one of our capital’s museums before… Read More