Hello friends,  It has been exciting and refreshing to have a full term without a lockdown and now holidays are almost here…. at last.  And this week, as I reflected on the term and made plans for how I will spend my two weeks off, I was reminded again that… Read More

Medallion Ceremony – Top Achievers 2021  The Medallion Ceremony proved to be a great opportunity to recognise our top performing 2021 VCE students.   Mrs Colette welcomed some of them back this week and explained how they achieved their outstanding results to the college community.  Josh Rowe, Alex Newman and Jesamine… Read More

After much preparation, sweat and definitely some tears, the 58th and 59th Debutante Balls were finally conducted over the long weekend in March. On Friday March 11th, 2022 our current Year 11 students were presented to friends and family. In front of special guests, Mr Tyrone Ingham and Ms Harriet… Read More


One of the things that we like most about a library (and in particular, our library) is that its always in a constant state of change. Sometimes, these changes are only small and other times they make an impact, but every change is important to take note of. As some… Read More


Term One has been a busy one in the canteen so far. We celebrated Chin National Day with cupcakes for our Burmese students and ordered in Burmese food from our local restaurant “Little Burma.” Our whole school community enjoyed the chance to taste a different cuisine.  Last Friday, we welcomed… Read More

A Normal Start to 2022 The start of 2022 has been relatively normal, which has been great for both staff and students. Just about all planned activities have gone ahead in a Covid safe manner. Excursions are going out daily, inter-school sports and camps are now back and running with… Read More

This year has started with energy and enthusiasm in the Music department, as our program grows. We would like to warmly welcome our new instrumental staff, Clinton Eldridge (Guitar), Vivienne Doolan (Percussion) and Clare Assetta (Voice). There have been some exciting developments, with the 2022 Production We Will Rock You… Read More

Hello and welcome to Mooroolbark College if you are in Year 7, and welcome back to Languages if you were here last year!  2022 looks like its becoming a fantastic year for improving those Chinese and German skills! While we might have lost the expertise of 45 years of teaching… Read More

It has been pleasing to see the senior school students settling into the new school year. Both VCE and VCAL students have started strongly and there is a positive vibe in the senior study centre.  This week, we recognised the academic performances of some of the students who completed an… Read More

2022 has started with students back in the workshop and getting busy. Students have looked at workshop safety and are starting to design their projects as well as learning the skills required to successfully execute their designs.  Upgrades to the workshops are being planned and students will notice some of… Read More