It has been a great start to Term 1 in Health and Physical Education, with some House and Inter-School Sports kicking off a busy end to summer.  House Swimming Sports was a fantastic day, with students coming together to support their newly renamed houses; Baan House (Blue House), Darrang (Green… Read More

It’s been great seeing our classes engaged in so many collaborative activities in the early weeks of Term 1.  Students have completed many engaging and action-oriented activities.  Highlights so far include:  Year 7 History students demonstrated their understanding of chronologies and timelines in the northern quadrangle.  Year 7 Geography students… Read More

It has been a busy start to the year for Maths! Our Year 7 students completed PAT testing in the first two weeks of the year. This information is utilized with NAPLAN data to best provide staff with a profile of each student's mathematical ability. This also has provided staff… Read More


A huge welcome to all of our students as we begin another exciting year at Mooroolbark College. We look forward to spending many lessons together with our students exploring and experimenting to find out how the universe works. We would also like to welcome Darren Jackson, Christie Godby and Tooba… Read More


  The English department would like to extend a warm welcome to Judy Miller, Penn Valk and Paige Williams. It is lovely to have them as part of our team and they have already added so much expertise to our office and curriculum. Our year 7 students have started the… Read More

Welcome to 2022, a year destined to be full of opportunities and exciting moments for the EAL team at Mooroolbark College. This year we have an unprecedentedly large cohort of EAL students in Year 12, with 11 completing their VCE course and 5 in the VCAL program. They have had… Read More

Welcome to our new Year 7 Aspire class for 2022! And a big welcome back to our Year 8 and 9 Aspire students. It is looking to be an exciting year with the return of excursions and competitions, so keep your eyes peeled for more information to come (especially the… Read More

Welcome back to a new school year!  We have exciting news in Student Wellbeing as we welcome a new counsellor, Rebecca Herrick, to our team. This is in addition to the two new mental health workers we added in 2021, Siobhan O’Halloran and Amy Donaldson, and our chaplain Gillian Van… Read More

It has been a fantastic start to the year for The Arts. Our students and staff are well rested after the break and can’t wait to create some amazing artworks and performances this year.    2021 SUCCESSES  We would love to extend a massive congratulations to Shayla Kimpton and Jemma… Read More


Library Report – February 2022    The dust quite literally settled on the shelves over the Christmas break in our Library, as construction work began on the new wellbeing centre.   If you’ve been into the Library lately, you’ll notice that there have been a few changes! But, a change is… Read More