College Vision & Beliefs
We are dedicated to delivering a well-established, yet continuously evolving curriculum that includes excellent academic programs and a diverse range of courses. Our goal is to equip students with the foundations necessary for higher education, further study, and successful career pursuits.
- We believe in fostering a safe and inclusive environment
- We believe in developing life skills, adaptability, and resilience
- We believe in mutual respect for diversity and tolerance
- We believe in equal opportunities for holistic development—socially, intellectually, emotionally, physically, and personally—through a wide range of experiences and choices
- We believe that effective communication is essential for building meaningful relationships within and beyond the College Community
- We believe in instilling a passion and curiosity for lifelong learning
The College is dedicated to upholding traditional values and has implemented a new School-Wide Positive Behaviour Value program, focusing on four core values:
Mooroolbark College’s values are Respect, Resilience, Endeavour and Compassion:
- At Mooroolbark College RESPECT means thinking and acting in a way that considers the feelings or rights of oneself and others
- At Mooroolbark College RESILIENCE means having a positive attitude to learning from mistakes and overcoming challenges
- At Mooroolbark College ENDEAVOUR means making an ongoing attempt towards achieving excellence and reaching one’s potential
- At Mooroolbark College COMPASSION means considering the feelings of others and interacting in a kind and caring manner
Mooroolbark College’s objective is to ensure all students have the opportunity to excel in all areas of school life through demonstrating Resilience and Endeavor leaving Mooroolbark College as valuable and socially aware members of the community who are respectful and compassionate.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program
Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program is a framework to create and enrich a positive and safe learning environment, that continues to enhance our school culture, encompassing Compassion, Endeavour, Resilience and Respect.
Merit System
The College has established a merit system designed to recognise students’ achievements and positive behaviours. The system encourages students to set goals and work hard to achieve them.
Merits are issued based on one of the four Mooroolbark College school values

Students need to collect five merits in each Value in order to achieve a Value Award (ie: five individual merits for Respect = Respect Value Award). To achieve a Principals award, students must achieve a Values Award in all four school values.

When a student achieves a Principals award it is acknowledged through a presentation at a College general assembly. It also earns 50 points for their house towards the prestigious House Cup.