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Ann Stratford, Principal
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Last week we farewelled our Year 12 students and congratulated them on their wonderful achievement in completing Year 12.   We wish them well and look forward to hearing about their future successes and achievements. 

I look forward to celebrating the end of their educational journey at the Valedictory Dinner being held on Thursday 21st November. 

Year 11 exams commence on Monday 11th November and conclude on Monday 18th November.   The timetable will be posted on Compass for both students and parents/guardians to see.  Year 11 exams are an important part of the preparation for Year 12 studies and students should be actively preparing for their exams now.  Following the exam period students in both VCE and VCAL will have course confirmation.  VCE will be on Tuesday 19th November from 3-7pm followed by an Orientation Program on Thursday 21st November to Wednesday 4th December.  Year 12 VCAL orientation will be held on Monday 25th November. 

Over the next week all students will receive information regarding their subject choices for 2020 and information regarding the course confirmation process to confirm 2020 courses of study. Course confirmation is the best time to seek advice and possible changes to subjects.  House representatives and pathways staff will be available at all Course Confirmation sessions to assist with 2020 enrolments. 

Thanks Regina Atkinson and Methven Professionals in Mooroolbark for another $500 donation to our school. We are very appreciative of the ongoing support. If you are selling a property with them please mention our school so Regina can donate another $500 to our school. These donations support our Student Wellbeing program.

Congratulations to the following students for being selected for a leadership role in the College for 2020:

Shae Libbis          Matthew Bethell

Blue House            Keely Butler             Georgia Gray

Green House         Meg Mast                 Connor Tisch

Red House            Kaeli Farrell              Alex Linnie

Yellow House         Daniel Phillips          Flynn Addicott

Sports Capain       Jordyn Doevelaar     Georgia Booth

Arts Captains        Jaymie Cathie           Tristan Torriero

Blue House           Kiera Delaney           Zac Bos

Green House        Carla Hunaidi            Charlotte Gardiner

Red House           Cooper Williams        Ella Strahan

Yellow House        Amy Oliver                Tara Barnwell

I am hugely proud of the quality of students we have in the Senior and Middle School Student. Leadership teams for 2020.  They are all excellent students and I know that they will lead our College with distinction.  We are fortunate to have the number and quality of students in our College that possess leadership skills and aspirations.

The Student Representative Council is next to be elected. We look forward to more excellence students representing our College as leaders.

Congratulations to each House for the effort students put in to the House Trophy this year.  It was a great contest between all the Houses with Yellow House coming out on top.

Thank you to all the Coordinators who genuinely care about our students, they go beyond the call of duty to support the students in our College. This is reflected in high levels of engagement by students in House and College activities.

Thank you to all the staff and families who attended the Year 7 Showcase and Night of Excellence evening on Thursday 17th October. The students presented high quality work and interacted with the audience in a confident manner. 

It was a wonderful night despite the weather.

During Term 4 two exception educational leaders have retired from our local primary schools.  The Principal of Bimbadeen Heights Primary School, Leigh Johansen has retired after an extraordinary contribution to education in Melbourne’s outer east.  His Principalship at Bimbadeen Heights Primary School has brought the Mooroolbark College and Bimbadeen Heights Primary School closer together and I know the students who have come to us from the primary school will be sad to hear that he has left.  We welcome Adele Gregson as Principal to our neighbourhood.

The second Principal to retire from our network is Julie Legione.

Julie has been the Principal at Billanook Primary School for a many years and has served their community well.  Many of Mooroolbark College students who have come from Billanook Primary school will remember Julie fondly.

The Mooroolbark College community wish both Leigh and Julie all the best in retirement.

Ann Stratford


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End of Year Program: 9th – 20th December 

China Tour: 8th – 23rd November
Year 12 Cambodia Tour: 24th November – 4th December               
 Arts Camp: 10th – 13th December
 Year 11 West Coast Tour: 8th  – 13th December


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What do you hope to achieve this year in your role?
One of the many reasons I signed up for this role was to encourage respect. I am a big believer in treating others the way you wish to be treated. A simple way we can all show respect is by  acknowledging each other’s beliefs and individuality. I hope that by the end of this year everyone in the school community feels equally respected by one another.

Who is a leader that you admire and why do you admire them?
I strongly admire Jameela Jamil. She is an amazing actor and activist. Jameela is not afraid to voice her opinion and stand up for others. She runs the Instagram account ‘I_weigh’ which encourages people of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds to love and support themselves. I believe that she is an inspiring role model for all young women.

What are some of your goals for the future?
I strive to graduate high school and university, although I’m not yet sure what I want to study at university. I would also love to travel all over the world and experience many different cultures and ways of living.

Final sentence for readers.
“I raise up my voice- not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.”-Malala Yousafzai


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Every year we help dozens of families by providing second hand uniforms to students at all year levels.  The costs of starting school with a new Year 7, can be particularly expensive and stressful.  So we are putting out a call for donations of second hand uniform items so that we can find a new home for them and help ease the financial pressure on our Mooroolbark families.

Items can simply be dropped off at the General Office. Thank you for your generosity and help.
John Nichol – Student Welfare Coordinator


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We started with our first call-out for handmade crochet poppies to be displayed at our 2020 ANZAC  day services as a community tribute of respect.
Students from all year levels participated from beginners to experts at our first workshop.  There were many balls of red wool, crochet hooks and knitting needles.
We are hoping that this will connect people in many different ways and further our community engagement.
Rachael Williams – Assistant Principal





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2019 Duke of Ed team completed the City Experience which included an Escape Room challenge and an Amazing Race through the city starting at the Shrine of Remembrance and finishing at Fed Square!


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Our 2019 TSP team completed a very intense F45 strength training session at F45 Chirnside Park.  Our trainers Steve and Kristy worked us over as we pushed ourselves to the limit showing the attitudes and ability that make this program great.  Well done team!  We have 1 more session this term, hopefully we have recovered


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On Wednesday 14 October the 2019 Year 9 Duke of Ed team ventured to Wilsons Prom for our annual qualifying journey.  We had amazing weather and saw terrific determination, respect and resilience.  Everyone covered between 32 and 44 km’s of hiking over the 3 days – climbing Mt Oberon, heading to pillar point and Squeaky Beach and hiking to Sealers and Refuge Cove. An amazing effort.  We made friends with the usual wombats, possums and wallaby’s, and we even saw a Tiger Snake this year for the first time!  Congrats to all for getting through and thanks once again (as they do every year) to Jordan Van Kuelen and Jade Hubben for giving up 2 full nights of their time to complete this phenomenal journey with us.  We really appreciate it!

Luke McCormick
VCE Coordinator
Physical Education and Health
Duke of Edinburgh & Talented Sports Program



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In Year 10 PE, students have been learning about the different types of training methods. Students had the opportunity to head to Goodlife Mooroolbark to experience some of the classes. They were pushed to their limits in a Spin class and showed their strength in the Pump class.

Allie Grey-Smith


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Our second Night of Excellence was another success for The Arts. This year the Multi-Purpose room was abuzz with wonderful performances from our Media, Dance, Drama, Music, Deb and Production students. A big thank you to all of our performing arts teachers and to all of our very talented students that performed. The night also offered a chance to showcase the amazing work our students have created in visual arts subjects including Art, Ceramics, Photography, Media, Studio Arts and VCD. The calibre of the work that was shown was exceptional.

Matthew Neil-Holland
The Arts KLA Head



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A huge congratulations to all students that had their films shown to an enthusiastic audience at the 7th annual Mooroolbark College Film Festival recently.

Well done to all of the category winners.
Best Year 11 film –                                    The Untitled Boss Movie by Matthew Bethell, Balin Douglas and James Kempton.
Best Year 12 film –                                    One More Day by Jordan Daniels.
Audience Award for Year 11 –                   Lucid by Amy Caldwell, Maddi Heffernan and Hannah Wildner.
Audience Award for Year 11 runner-up – The Untitled Boss Movie by Matthew Bethell, Balin Douglas and James Kempton.
Audience Award for Year 12 –                  Beginning of the End – Brandon Vanderlinde
Audience Award for Year 12 runner-up – One More Day by Jordan Daniels.

Matthew Neil-Holland
The Arts KLA Head



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Entries for the 6th Mooroolbark College Annual Literacy Bake Off 2019 were amazing!

To enter, students and staff simply needed to decorate a cake based on a book of their choice to win!

We are pleased to announce congratulations to our winners
Student People’s Choice: Maddi Heffernan (It)
Student Individual Winner: Bailee Kempton (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Student Individual Runner Up: Scarlett Wheeler (Where is green sheep?)
Student Team Winner: Emilee Mitchell, Lillie Luth, Shaylah Haywood (Big Pumpkin)
Student Team Runner Up: Ella Tuppenney, Ciara Delaney (Pretty Little Liars)
Student Encouragement Award: Jasmine Jackson
Staff Winner: Ms Tims (The Handmaid’s Tale)

Well done to everyone who entered the standard was extremely high.

What will your cake be next year?

Nicola Mackey
Library Coordinator




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As part of the curriculum, the Year 9 Cosplay and Garment Construction students went to Lilydale to find a recycled clothing item to modify for their project. They all had a great time and found something that they could use.

Alana Briggs
Textiles Teacher  


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Over the holiday break, Mooroolbark College was well represented at the 24th Annual Victorian Teacher’s Games in Geelong.

Staff competed against other teachers and education staff in a wide range of sports and activities achieving some fantastic results.

  • Mixed Volleyball Silver Medal
  • Men’s Singles Tennis Silver Medal
  • Netball 4th Place
  • Lawn Bowls 5th Place
  • Touch Football 7th Place

James Taylor



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We had 8 students compete at the State Athletics Championships. As a College we walked away with plenty of silver wear, personal best, and even a State Record!
Congratulations to the following students:

Tayleb Willis – Hurdles (state record) GOLD, 100m GOLD, Triple Jump GOLD, Long Jump SILVER
Tom Sheridan – 1500m BRONZE
Ashlinn Walker – Long Jump BRONZE, Discus 8th
Sang Sung – Long Jump 5th
Tiara Willis – 200m 8th, Long Jump 8th
Aidan Gasson, Jackson Addicott, Isaac Rousseaux and Tayleb Willis – 4 x 100m 5th




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Year 11 VCAL students participated in a sleep out to help raise awareness for homelessness. The students completed many different activities over the 24 hours that simulated what life would be like living on the streets. Well done to all students involved.




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Congratulations to our Year 7 Boys Volleyball team who competed at the Eastern Region Championships. The students walked away with 1 win, 2 losses and an array of experience which will set them up for big things in Year 8.

Lachlan Mann
Head of Health and Physical Education
Interschool Sport Coordinator


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Students enjoying participation in our lunchtime Table Tennis Club.


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College Office Hours

College Office Hours


FRIDAY 8.15AM- 3.30PM


30th October – 20th November    Year 12 Exams
Tuesday 5th         – Melbourne Cup Holiday
Friday 8th – Saturday 23rd – China Tour
Monday 11th – 18th– Year 11 Exams
Monday 11th         – MCPA (formerly PTCA) Meeting 7.00pm
Monday 11th         – SA German Hahndorf Information night 7pm
Monday 11th – Monday 18th – Year 11 Exams
Tuesday 12th       – Community Relations Meeting 4.30pm
Tuesday 12th       – Education Committee Meeting 5.45pm
Tuesday 12th       – Resources Committee Meeting 7.00pm
Wednesday 13th  – Arts Camp Parent Information Night 7.00pm MPR
Friday 15th           – Year 7 (2020) Pre Orientation Day
Tuesday 19th       – Year 12 2020Course Confirmation 3.00-7.00pm
Thursday 21st      – Valedictory Dinner – Karralyka Centre 7.00pm
Thursday 21st     – Year 12 2020 O’Week
Monday 25th       – Year 12 (2020) VCAL Orientation Day
Tuesday 26th       – College Council Meeting 7.00pm
Thursday 28th     – Year 11 (2020) Course Confirmation VCE & VCAL 2.00-7.00pm  

Monday 2nd         – Year 11 (2020) VCAL Orientation Day
Tuesday 3rd         – Community Relation Meeting 4.30pm
Tuesday 3rd         – Education Committee Meeting 5.45pm
Tuesday 3rd         – Resources Committee Meeting 7.00pm
Thursday 5th       – Year 10 (2020) Course Confirmation 3.00-7.00pm


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Mooroolbark College is committed to supporting our local community. Please see below for our community notices:

Mooroolbark Junior Football Club
Mooroolbark Soccer Club
Kilsyth Football Club Juniors
Chirnside Park Community Hub

Support our local Mooroolbark Junior Football Club. 

Mooroolbark Soccer Club are offering an opportunity for girls of all ages to come along and try Soccer during Wednesdays in November.
The sessions are free and run by our experienced coaches who are kindly volunteering their time.  Players current and new of all abilities are welcome to come along.

Support our local Kilsyth Football Club Juniors 

Chirnside Park Community Hub has an upcoming bath bomb essential oil workshop happening Wednesday 13th November. 


St Vincent de Paul Society is currently seeking volunteers for our Vinnies shop on Canterbury Rd, Kilsyth.

Mooroolbark College Newsletter – November 2019