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Calendar Dates

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Tuesday 23rd June – College Council Meeting 7.00pm
Friday 26th June – Last Day Term 2  2:30pm dismissal 

Tuesday 14th July Term 3 begins Students Return

Monday 3rd August – MCPA meeting
Monday 7th September – MCPA meeting


Principal’s Report

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We were all very excited to welcome back our Year 11 and Year 12 students on Tuesday. There were lots of smiles and well wishes as the students streamed back onto the College grounds.

I would like to thank our Year 12 students who recorded a thank you video for our staff, which I shared with staff on Monday afternoon. It was a beautiful gesture from our students. At every opportunity I like to share with our community, what wonderful students we have at Mooroolbark College. This is just one more example of our students demonstrating what outstanding young adults they are and how they are living our College value of compassion every day. Our students showed considerable resilience, independence and commitment during remote learning and they are to be congratulated.

Throughout the day I spent time speaking to our senior students who spoke about how they had developed during this time of remote learning. Many students felt more organised and more equipped to manage their time better in the second half of the year. Students also spoke of their improved ability to problem solve and work independently. Again important qualities for any senior student as they finish their school education and move into either employment or tertiary study.

I would also like to thank the parents and carers of our Mooroolbark College students for their support of learning during our experience of remote and flexible learning. Education should always be a partnership between students, teachers and parents and during this time of remote learning we needed this partnership even more.

We are now looking forward to getting the whole school back on Tuesday 9th June with the return of our Year 7 to 10 students. It is important that all students and parents read the information posted on Compass regarding the return to school arrangements.

Again, thank you for your continued support of teaching and learning at Mooroolbark College.


Ann Stratford

College Construction

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While everyone has been learning and teaching from home our building works have continued.  Framing has commenced on the new Learning Centre near the northern car park and the Student Wellbeing Centre has commenced with the establishment of the new sick bay and new female student toilets.  New student male toilets will be completed by the beginning of Term 3.  We are very excited to see the advancements over the next month as the buildings start to take form.  We are on track to be in our new buildings at the start of 2021.

Rachael Williams
Assistant Principal

Academic Communication to Parents/Guardians

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What a crazy rollercoaster Term 2 has been. We have been extremely impressed by the show of resilience from our students as they transferred to a remote learning environment. Also, we are all very aware of the challenges that many students have and continue to face. As always we are here to help and support students in any way we can. We do not want to create any further stress and our number one priority over the next few weeks is that our students are comfortable as they return to school.  The College would like to reiterate the message that when completing weekly tasks, Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) should be the priority for students, as these tasks determine whether students successfully complete each subject. Staff will continue to communicate through compass using ‘Letters of Concern’ and ‘Letters of Potential Unit Failure’. The reason for this is to support students in completing these tasks and to make sure they are aware if they have not been received by their teacher. If you require an extension or assistance, please email the appropriate teacher and they will be happy to help. The final assigned due date for CATs is Friday 5th June and no extension can be granted beyond Monday 15th June. Stay happy and healthy and we look forward to seeing the whole community return soon.

Mr. Matthew Donald

Director of Curriculum

Year 7 & 10 Immunisations

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Year 7 and Year 10 immunisation program will be:

  • Year 7 immunisations will commence on the 28th October 2020, with the provision of dose 2 of the HPV9 vaccine being administered mid-2021.
  • Year 10 program has been scheduled for the 30th July 2020.

Please note, the vaccines offered through the secondary school program are available at all council community immunisation sessions unless otherwise stated on the booking site. Appointments can be made on the Yarra Ranges Council website by using this link or by phoning the Yarra Ranges Council on 1300 368 333 and the contact centre will assist you.

The vaccines recommended are:

Year 7 students (or age equivalent):
Human Papillomavirus (2 doses over 6 months), Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis

Year 10 students (or age equivalent):
Meningococcal ACWY

If you have any further queries, please contact Carmel Gibbs on

COVID-19 Wellbeing

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The return to school is here for some and fast approaching for others with our Year 11 and 12 students back and our Year 7 and 10 to return on Tuesday 9th June.

With the return of face to face teaching we are shifting our focus from “How will our students cope with remote learning?” to “How will our students cope returning to school?”

Whilst we know that many students are excited to be coming back, we also know that many students are feeling heightened anxiety about returning to school, especially those students who have found it difficult to get work done at home.

As the College, we will be putting time and thought, over coming weeks, into how we support all our students on their return. During Home Group we will be asking students to share their thoughts on remote learning/ returning and talk with each other about their own experiences, thoughts, celebrations and fears. You might also want to ask your child to reflect on these questions:

  1. What do you think you did well during remote learning?
  2. What do you think you struggled with the most during remote learning?
  3. What are you most looking forward to about returning to school?
  4. What are your most worried about returning to school?
  5. Out of the four school values (Resilience, Respect, Compassion or Endeavour)   which one do you think you demonstrated the most during remote learning?


Other organisations within are also looking at the best way to support students returning to school.

The Parent Website

This is an excellent resource from ‘The Parents Website’ that gives advice on preparing your child to return to normal schooling.                                                                                                    anxious kids return to school                                                                                                      


 anxious kids return to school

The Resilience Project

The Resilience has provided resources to help young people focus their thinking on the values of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy, all important qualities as we prepare to return to school. Research shows that practising these daily will help you feel happier and more resilient. The website contains a “Parent & Carer information page” to help parents get their child engaged with the online activities.


Smiling Mind

The smiling mind app is also another resource for students who are experiencing anxiety or would like to practice mindfulness. Very easy to use with dozens of mindfulness meditations that are designed to have an immediate impact.

It is also important to remember that school on return won’t be the same as school before Covid 19. On return we will need to continue social distancing and hygiene practices to stop the spread of the Corona Virus. This will include things like not having assemblies, minimizing mixing across year levels, no sharing of personal equipment or food, everyone must BYO drink bottles and hand sanitizer etc. It will take some getting used to.

Naturally welfare support for your child continues through the final week of remote learning and on return to school. So if your child is feeling overwhelmed by school, life events or even the general stresses of life, then don’t hesitate to contact your child’s coordinator, or the College Wellbeing team so we can help reduce the pressure on them.  

Again, we are here to support you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

  • John Nichol Student Wellbeing Coordinator
  • Gill Van Der Ende   College Chaplain (Available Tuesday and Wednesday)


Mr. John Nichol

Mooroolbark College Student Wellbeing Coordinator

CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund) Information

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CSEF 2020 applications remain open until the end of Term 2. Parents/carers holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply.

If your student is new to Mooroolbark College in 2020, or you have recently become eligible to apply, please download and complete the below form, and return to the College via email with a copy of your Heath Care Card or Pension Card.

Schools can direct any available CSEF to purchase devices or technologies for eligible students. This includes unallocated funding from a prior year.
If you would like to know more about using your CSEF to purchase 4G technology equipment, please contact the ICT Department at the College.

ASPIRE Program

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Applications are now open for the Mooroolbark College ASPIRE class for 2021. If you know a current Grade 6 student that likes to problem solve, think critically and creatively and who has aspirations to achieve their personal best then please encourage them to apply.

The testing day is Saturday 13th June, with applications closing Monday 8th June. Register your interest using the trybooking link:

For more information please see the College website, or if you have any questions please contact

Mrs. Kara Salmon
ASPIRE Program Coordinator

College Captain – Years 11 & 12 Return to School

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The first day back for Year 11 and 12 students was certainly an unusual one. The emptiness of the classrooms certainly had an impact as the school did not feel as “alive” but we adjusted.

The adjustment back to school was certainly hard for many and not just because, as one of my peers joked, losing the ability to “eat chicken nuggets in class”, but rather the greatest struggle was the change in atmosphere. After being cooped up inside my house for so long, only seeing my family and pets. I had begun to forget what it was like to be in a crowd, I know I felt rather intimidated to be suddenly in a study centre filled with my peers. The loud cacophony and movement, while buzzing with excitement to greet everyone, had me taken aback. This to me was the biggest adjustment.

Mooroolbark College certainly has made excellent steps in ensuring safety in the school with new rules regarding sharing of equipment, cleaning of ICT and a bottle of hand sanitizer almost always within sight of you.

My message to all returning students who are still feeling the effects of re-adjustment is that Mooroolbark College is very much invested in student wellbeing. Mr Nichol, as well as the school chaplain Mrs Van Der Ende, have worked tirelessly during isolation alongside House Leaders, Cluster Coordinators, and Home Group teachers to make sure our mental health is not affected adversely from quarantine. If you need support, remember, do not be afraid to reach out as you are not alone.

Matthew Bethell

College Captain



S.R.C. News

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Last year the SRC invited Zulfiye Tufa Muslim guest speaker from the Benevolence Society to speak to the College community at our assembly to celebrate Harmony Day. She spoke about the importance of compassion and inspired by her words and our school value compassion, the idea for the mural was born. In Term 1 and 2 of last year, students and staff were asked to write how they could show compassion on either a personal, local or global scale, on a small piece of coloured paper. These words were then gathered and then put together to create the mural artwork, which is currently displayed in the General Office foyer. Thank you to all the students and staff that contributed to make such a beautiful piece of artwork.

Mrs. Mia Sund
S.R.C. Coordinator & Mural Artist


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  • 2020 revised VCE examination periodsAs a result of the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on school delivery of this year’s VCE program, the 2020 VCE examination periods have been rescheduled.The following revised examination periods for 2020 were approved by the VCAA Board on 20 May 2020:
    • Extended Investigation Critical Thinking Test
      Wednesday 12 August
    • General Achievement Test (GAT)
      Wednesday 9 September
    • Performance and Languages oral examinations and Extended Investigation: oral presentations
      Monday 12 October – Sunday 8 November
    • Languages (CCAFL) written examinations
      Tuesday 20 October
    • Auslan examination
      Wednesday 21 October
    • Written examinations
      Monday 9 November – Wednesday 2 December


Students undertaking a VET subject should check their emails on a regular basis.  Information relating to any planned changes in the delivery mode for the remainder of Term 2 will be sent out by each individual provider.
Box Hill and Swinburne TAFE have both advised they will continue with remote learning classes for the remainder of Term 2.

Mrs. Jenny Roache
Pathways Leader


Home Group Challenge

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The weekly challenge has been really successful and a great way to get students away from the computer during remote learning. From preforming trick shots to collecting autumn leaves the students used their creativity while earning points for their house.

Congratulations to all the students who got involved and a special mention to those students who entered every week.

Below is a current tally of all the points earned in the challenges so far.  

Red – 176
Yellow – 158
Green – 145
Blue – 134

Miss. Sarah Rosendale & Ms. Michelle Colette
House Leaders 

Foods & Barkers Bakery

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Impressive desserts from our Year 10 Barkers Bakery class. Students had to create their own desserts as part of their Bakery Design CAT and WOW what a range of impressive results. So proud of their commitment and creativity. Once again a big thank you to families who supported their students enabling them to produce such an awesome range of products.


Food Studies

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Year 10 Food Studies students have produced a range of amazing meals in response to their Meal Kit Design CAT this term. They are to be congratulated on working at home to achieve such great results. A big thank you to all the families who have supported the students in producing their products.



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I am so impressed with the creativity, problem solving skills and commitment of 8B students in producing their puppets. Students were challenged with the task of writing their own story or selecting an existing story. They then had to plan and design three sock puppets based on characters from the story. They are to be congratulated on the variety of inventive ways they came up with to produce their puppets. A big thank you to families who supported their students creativity and helped them with the resources they needed.

The Arts Department

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Remote Learning

Whilst in remote learning, our Arts’ students have excelled and created some truly fantastic work. They should be very proud of everything they have created. Well done everyone.

Virtual Art Club

Our virtual Art Club has been a huge success. Students and staff have enjoyed creating ‘do it yourself’ gift bags, they’ve learnt how to draw using sharpies and have explored how to create landscapes using various techniques to create depth..

Languages -Education Perfect World Championship Success

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Our students at Mooroolbark College have once again gained an impressive number of awards in the recent competition which was held from May 14th-21st.  Students from Mr Bahlo’s German class, Mrs Henderson’s German classes and Ms Tan’s  Mandarin classes were all successful in this annual World Championship.

The Languages KLA wishes to congratulate our star students, GABRIELLE BOUWHUIS (Year 8) and ASH MISSEN (Year 7) who both obtained a GOLD AWARD for getting over 3,000 points. This was an amazing effort, particularly as students are currently engaged in remote learning.

We had three recipients of SILVER AWARDS for gaining over 2,000 points. Those students were HARRY CATHIE (Year 8), SIENNA HARPER (Year 7) and TIANA DE VINCENTIS (Year 7).

Seven students received BRONZE AWARDS for gaining over 1,000 points and those students were in order of achievement OLIVIA TARULLI (Year 7), LEAH DE VINCENTIS (Year 8), OLLIE PENDAVINGH (Year 7), JACOB KING (Year 7), MINH NGUYEN (Year 8), AUSTIN LEONARD (Year 7) and ROCKY HUGHES (Year 8).

Andrea Henderson
German Teacher



From the English Department

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Our Year 7 English students have been busy writing colour poems this term. They thought carefully about the emotions associated with their colour and its connections to the natural and man-made world. We are so proud of the insightful poems they have created! 


Grey is the storm clouds, dominating the sky, 
And the smoke issuing from the factory. 
It is the reflection of dull buildings in the puddles. 
Will the rain ever stop? 
Grey is the stone that you trip over, 
And the hard concrete you land on. 
Grey means the all-consuming darkness, 
Expanding inside of you. 
Grey is the fur of the rats, as they scurry down the drains with the rainwater, 
And the sewer where they are headed. 
Grey is the feeling that the clouds will never move,  
And the sun will forever remain hidden, 
But also, the recognition that although it seems impossible, 
The sun will shine again. 



Orange is the sun descending from the sky 
Like a fire ball crashing down. 
Orange is like a fire 
Is it cold outside? 
Orange is fizzy and bubbly like Fanta 
And warm and comforting like a campfire 
Orange is a red panda 
With a big orange coat.
Orange is flames and orange tulips in the sun, 
And happy kids playing around in the sun. 
Orange is happy and refreshing 
With a bucket full of confidence. 



Black is the colour you wear at funerals 
And there are those who are crying. 
It is a room filled with darkness 
Are you scared? 
Black is the colour of my cat 
Who gives me bad luck. 
Black means someone’s sadness 
And broken hearts. 
It is the sky at night 
And hatred 
Black makes me feel sad 
And lonely. 

Sarah Garnaut
English KLA Leader



Mathematics Club 3/4

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In an endeavor to continue supporting our students through this remote learning environment, the Mathematics KLA would like to extend this support to Year 7-10 students through our new virtual Club 3/4. If you are feeling in need of a little extra mathematics support covering specific concepts or need some general confidence, join us on Tuesdays 3pm-4pm. Our Maths teachers will be available to offer support and answer any question you may have. If you are interested or would like more information please email your son/daughter’s Math’s Teacher.

Ms. Jade Hubben
Mathematics KLA Leader


Book Club

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The first book club of Term 2 will run via Teams Friday, 29th May at lunchtime! All are welcome!

If you would like to join please email me for a Teams invitation:

Canteen News

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Place all your school orders with Flexischools App

Our school has now introduced a great new online ordering system for Canteen, Uniform, Events & Fundraising called Flexischools.

Flexischools allows you to place all your school orders online in a matter of seconds, at any time of the day.

  • Download the Flexischools App from Google Play or App Store


Note: for iPhone and iPad please select ‘Allow’ notifications.

  • Add your School and Group



Click on the search icon, enter your school name, select your school and year group, or groups relevant to you.

  • Login/Register 


Click the ‘Order now’ button located in the bottom right-hand corner of the app, this will open a login screen.

  • Already a Flexischools user – Enter your details and login. To save your login details select ‘remember me’.
  • New Flexischools user – Click ‘Register’, enter your email address and follow the instructions in the email to set up your account.
    Once your account is set up, add new student; search for our school, enter student details and select their class.

Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, please contact the Flexischools Customer Service Team on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.

The Flexischools system is now available and ready to use, so we look forward to seeing your next order online.

If you have any questions about the online services we are introducing, please do not hesitate to contact the College on 9727 8100.


Place all your school orders online with Flexischools

Mooroolbark College Newsletter – 4th June 2020