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Principal’s Report

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Dear Parents, carers and community members,

It has been a slow and steady start to term four. Having completed the GAT, students and staff are gradually returning to onsite learning and we continue to ensure our community is safe as possible. Safety and wellbeing continue to be a priority for this term with a continuation of strict COVID -19 practices – masks, social distancing, sanitising, own water bottles and restricted visitors to the school. This does not mean that we do not want to hear from you or talk to you. So, please call or email if you have a concern or wish to discuss any matter.

The Year 12 students of 2020 have experienced a year like no other. Often we think of and acknowledge what they are missing with the cancellations of many of their key milestones.  Our junior students have also missed out on the leadership that our senior students provide in setting the culture and expectations of what lies ahead. Younger students have not heard of the continual reference to SACs and study periods, or watched their school captains relay the important lessons that they have learnt about their time at Mooroolbark College.  Today we celebrated the achievements of our Year 12s in their Covid Safe Graduation Ceremony.  It was different from previous years but it was very special. It was a beautiful occasion where we celebrated the growth and kindness of this group of remarkable and group of young adults. We wish them all the best with their upcoming exams and transition into work.  I encourage all our students to prepare thoroughly over the next few weeks.

We were very glad to see the return of our newest students, the year 7s, and are equally excited to see the return of Year 8s – 10 on Monday.  The students will notice a great deal of change around the college.  The build is making considerable progress; there are new toilets, new lockers and a brand new canteen menu.  Most importantly return to onsite learning will consolidate the progress that has taken place remotely through winter.  I want to recognise all Mooroolbark College for their perseverance in remote learning.

As we settle back to a new normal, I would like to thank the community for their continued support, and look forward to seeing what the end of year brings in terms of student work and celebration.

Ann Stratford


Senior School

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The first week of Term 4 saw us manage the GAT for 200 students from Years 11 & 12.  Due to Covid safe regulations, 13 rooms were required to manage the event safely. A big thank you must go to the students, external supervisors and college staff who made the day run so smoothly. 

We had the pleasure to welcome back our Year 11 & 12 students to onsite learning in Week 2 

Students transitioned back into school routines well and staff were so happy to be conversing and educating face to face.  Year 12 students will be having their farewell on the 30th October. Students will then have a full week of revision study before their exams begin on the 10th November. Students are encouraged to communicate with their teachers and when coming onto school grounds they should be in full school uniform. 

Year 11 students have had their semester extended so that they are able to complete all required coursework and outcomes. Their exams will begin on the 13th November until 20th November. 

Yr12 (2021) Orientation will commence on the 23rd November and run through to 3rd December.  

Year 11 students will be contacted by their Pathways Advisors during the next two weeks in relation to their subject selections for 2021.   

The next few weeks will be a very busy time for senior students. 

Jenny Roache 
Senior School Leader 


Student Voice and Community Engagement

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Term 4 is an important transition between our current cohort of student leaders and our future leaders. Recently, students from Years 8 to 11 had the opportunity to apply for a variety of student leadership roles, in readiness for 2021. School Captain, House Captain, Sports Captain, Arts Captain and Middle House Captains were the positions on offer. After a rigorous application and interview process, I would like to congratulate the following students were successful in obtaining leadership positions for 2021: 

School Captains – Jonty Just and Lily Philpott 

Blue House Captains – Harry Brzozek and Jordyn Doevelaar 

Green House Captains – Cailtyn Kavanagh and Josh McMeeken 

Red House Captains – Cara Schofield and Tristan Torriero 

Yellow House Captains – Jaymie Cathie and Zoe Jacobs 

Arts, Sports and Middle House Captain interviews will follow soon.  

Congratulations to all students who applied. Reports from all the selection panels confirmed that selecting the Captains was very difficult decision. We have such outstanding individuals at Mooroolbark College!  

Aaron Halstead 
Student Voice and Community Engagement – Learning Specialist


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Here we are back at school, face to face  . . . . it is a sense of relief and excitement to be doing school as it is meant to be done. I have loved seeing everyone back. 

This newsletter article has a focus on helping your child adjust to being back at school.  The information comes courtesy of the Australian Psychological Society with additions to make it Mooroolbark College specific.

Transitioning back to school in the COVID-19 era can present many challenges for parents and children. Some Mooroolbark College parents have reported that learning from home has given their child the opportunity to work at their own pace. Many children have also benefitted from the 1:1 support which has helped with learning.  Other parents have reported a lack of motivation, increased disengagement from school, increased tiredness and increased anxiety in their childGiven this, it is no wonder that returning to school comes with a mix of relief and excitement along with a new set of stresses for children and parents.  

The following advice may help our parents support their child as they adjust back into school; 

Reassure your child that it is safe to go to school  

 Some children may now worry about the safety of returning to school.  

To help your child feel safe, have a conversation with them explaining that:  

  • the decision to return to school is based on medical advice  
  • children do not usually get sick from COVID-19  
  • everyone at Mooroolbark College is working hard to make sure that children are safe  
  • anyone who is unwell will stay at home  
  • the state government is keeping an eye on things – if it starts  to be unsafe, decisions about what to do will be made  
  • reassure your child that it is normal to have mixed emotions such as excitement, relief, worry and anger  
  • discuss what they are looking forward to and what they  are worrying about  
  • reinforce good hygiene practices.  

After school, it will be important to:  

  • talk to your child about their day, including what they enjoyed, what they felt worried about and what they are looking forward to tomorrow  
  • schedule extra family time as your child is likely to have missed being at home with you  
  • your child may feel more fatigued and will benefit from quiet activities to recharge.  

Prepare your child for changes to usual school processes  

Your child will notice some changes to their normal school program such as homegroups, bell times arrival procedures etc These changes have been  communicated via Compass. 

  To help prepare your child:  

  • talk to your child about upcoming changes – the more they understand the changes, the more comfortable they are likely to feel about them 
  • if there are specific concerns, then contact their House Cluster Coordinator so a plan and supports can be put in place
  • see if there are any strategies that Remote learning enabled that you might be able to take to the classroom
  • ask your child what will make their transition back to school easier and see if this can be accommodated by your child’s teacher; for example, knowing the class seating plan or the first activity of the day may help.
  • ask your child if there is anything that will make this easier for them, such as arriving to school with friend

Tips for children with cognitive and behavioural challenges  

Adjusting back to school  can be more challenging for students who have learning difficulties or some difficulties  with their mental health. The following strategies can help children who could struggle to adjust back. 

  • Speak to your child’s House Coordinator so they are aware of your concerns and you might talk about incorporating more rest breaks throughout the day for your child and/or reducing  homework until your child has settled back into a routine.  
  • The Coordinator can let your child’s teachers know of any things they need to watch out for 
  • As children readjust to the challenges associated with being back at school, they may show greater difficulties with emotional regulation and challenging behaviour – remember, this is likely to be part of the readjustment phase and should improve with time.  
  • Your child may need your help to regulate. You may find it helpful adding some relaxation strategies into the daily routine. Exercise can also assist.  

A final reminder, that your child’s mental health and successful transition back into normal covid schooling is our priority and we want to continue to provide welfare support to our students. If you have any concerns at all about your child then please contact your child’s Coordinator or myself and Chaplain Gill Van Der Ende. We are available to parents via phone or text. Your child can also contact us directly by knocking on the door of our office. We are here to support you.


John Nichol
Well-Being Leader


24 Hour Emergency
Kids HelplineCounselling service for people aged between 5 and 2524 hours/7 days 1800 551 800

(email, web chat)

LifelineCrisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services24 hours/7 days13 11 14
Beyond BlueInformation and support for all ages to promote optimal mental health 24 hours/7 days1300 224 636

(Chat online or email)

E headspaceProvide mental health support for young people aged 12–25Phone:

10pm – 1am

Online counselling: 1pm – 1am

1800 650 890?



Yarra Ranges Youth Team Provide support and advice to young people


InspiroFree youth, teen, young adult and family counselling  9738?8801

or visit 
for more information

Parent lineSupport for Parents and carers with children from birth to 18 years8am–midnight/7 days13 22 89
EDVOSFamily violence service in Melbourne’s eastern metropolitan regionMon-Fri 9am-8pm? 

Sat 9am-5pm (phone or email) 

03 9259 4200

No To ViolenceSupports for men who use family violenceMon – Fri 8am-9pm 



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It’s likely that many of you haven’t had the chance to check out the Library lately, so we’ll forgive you! However, we encourage you to visit us very soon so that you can see all that we have to offer.  

We’ve still been really busy over the Remote Learning period, collecting new books for you to read, and we have a really super collection of brand new books ready for borrowing! There are lots of new release young adult titles, some fantastic picture books that have won plenty of awards, a new collection of mental health and wellbeing books and just some old favourites 

As the year heads towards exams, the Library has established the ‘mental health shelf’ – you’ll find it in the study area and it is full of books about how to manage your stress, cope with exam study and other things you might need help dealing with. We have also included some colouring pages to help you relax and there are some beautiful books to just spend time looking through.  

If you’ve still got books out on loan, that’s ok. Just bring them back and put them in the returns box in the library and then you can start borrowing some of the new ones! Reminders to return books that you’ve been so carefully looking after for us over the last few months will be going out in the next few weeks – we know it’s been hard to return them, but this is just a reminder to pack them in your schoolbag and bring them back to us!  

The Library has released the first edition of “The Manuscript” and it has some excellent book reviews in it. If you’d like to contribute a review to “The Manuscript”, we’d love to hear from you. Email your review, with the title and author of your book, to and we’ll include it in the next edition!  

The Library also has a new pet! We’re pretty excited about this little monster running around the library, although our pet does have a habit of finding somewhere warm to curl up with a good book and hide! We’d like to invite you to name our pet – details about this will 
be coming soon – keep an eye on Compass and the Library Instagram page (@mooroolbarkc_library). We’ d like to say thank you so much to Amy Davis (year 8) for the wonderful design of the library’s new pet!  

As always, if you are after a great book recommendation, a chat or some resources to help you out with your school, please come and visit us in the Library! You can also follow us on Instagram (@mooroolbarkc_library) to see which books we’re reading!  

Prue Bon, Evgenia Giles and Melanie Pauer 


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A special treat and rare insight from one of our most beloved and experienced teachers in the business. 

Monday, the 12th October. The first-time we teachers would be actually operating in a classroom since Term 2. Twelve weeks of zero face to face interaction with our students. Teaching online had become the new norm during Term 3 and for me, born at the tail end of the Boomer generation – a generation that grew up in a world with no internet, no mobile phones, two TV channels and four radio stations – this was indeed a challenging but fascinating new reality. I am indebted to several younger colleagues who coached me through some of the intricacies of 21st century learning technology.

So, Monday morning, Period 1. My first class that day was my Year 11 English class. Our online interaction had been frequent – I taught them three times per week for an hour each session – and many of these students had sent me messages on Teams asking questions or requesting feedback, sometimes well after the school day had ended. Most of them had made the best of the situation they found themselves in and some actually flourished because it is easy to copy and paste a document into a chat feed and get one on one feedback on it almost immediately. They’d also become used to typing their answers and thoughts into the chat feed in online lessons and we could all give our immediate emoji reactions to their posts. English classes had evolved using a Facebook style culture – an interesting hybrid. 

I looked around the classroom and it was great to see actual people in a room together again! There is an energy in a real classroom situation which cannot be duplicated online. But there would be things I’d miss about the IT journey we’d just been on. I noticed about twelve students had their laptops with them and suggested an idea: Why not run the online setup that we’d grown accustomed to at the same time as the face to face experience? The class was enthusiastic to try it so I set up my computer with a data projector and the laptop students could dial in their comments as we worked and everyone could see these. The learning experience digitalised and live in the real world working concurrently! At the end of the lesson we had a record of what had taken place and the interaction within the classroom was fantastic.

It seems to me that we’ve all been on a steep learning curve over the last few months and it would be a shame to abandon some of the valuable things we’ve discovered during that time. 2020 will go down in history as a dark time for all of us but human beings are resilient and inventive and when we eventually move out of this ordeal, it is important to take stock of the few positives and new growth that have taken place. 

Jev Telford 

Some other exciting things happening in year 8:  

In Year 8, we have put ‘Holes’ behind us and we now have our creative juices flowing as we dive into a poetry unit. Through collaboration, discussion, and practice, by comparing our family members to fruit and sharing our favourite tongue twisters, we have been learning why poems are so aesthetically pleasing. We have constructed and created our own haikus, limericks, acrostic poems and begun considering the form of spoken word poetry by merely thinking of things we know to be true. Each week, I am excited to see what the students have to share. What they have been able to produce thus far has been AWESOME:

A laugh 



Some are silly 



cannot wait to see what they produce at the end of this unit.

Leilani Foleti
English Recommendations: 

Film: Hunt for the Wilderpeople 
Incredibly lovable director Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarök, JoJo Rabbit) takes audiences on a journey through the eyes of misfit Ricky Baker. A heart-warming tale of growth and loss, this hilarious film stars Sam Neill and NZ export Julian Dennison. 

Documentary: The Social Dilemma (Netflix) 

Explores the dangers of social media in today’s world and the immense impact it could have on societal change and behaviour. A must see for all teenagers and parents with insights that may cause you to question your own activity online.  

Novel: The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams 

Beautifully written and interspersed with kernels of truth fitting snug into the historical fiction category. Our library staff highly recommend this book and ask that you have tissues at the ready if you choose to read it. It will leave a lasting impression. 

We felt it necessary, particularly as it is almost time for VCE students to undergo the infamous English exams to offer some tips and tricks in preparation. We hope they are of great benefit! Good luck! 

English Faculty 





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The Maths KLA, as I’m sure in every other corner of Mooroolbark College, has been extremely excited to welcome back our Year 7s and VCE students. The joys of seeing real faces and
s is unexplainable. Our VCE students are valuing their final weeks with their teachers and are grateful for direct feedback and conversations in preparation for their upcoming exams. Our Year 7 teachers have been having fun exploring Probability and Statistics through engaging and interactive activities. 

Whilst these might just look like a jumble to the untrained eye, our Year 7s have perfectly
present a dot plot and a
 scatter plot using themselves! Who says you can create giant graphs with chalk and a class of Year 7s? We sure can!



Since we have been onsite students have experience collecting many forms of data including accurate measurements of height and data from a variety of materials to analyse class data in diverse forms. 


Whilst we are having fun with our students onsite, we haven’t stopped enjoying new activities digitally with our students who are still learning from home. The Year 8 students have been collecting data, interpreting graphs and building 3D cities within their very own homes. We have enjoyed being able to continue to connect with them during remote learning.

 Jade Hubben

Mathematics KLA Leader


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Year 7 teachers have reengaged students with a Mini Science Expo. Students have been working through a series of work stations investigating the forces around them. The forces include gravity, magnetism, friction, buoyancy, surface tension and air resistance. This handson exploration prepares the students for their final Science CAT for the year, ‘The landing time of a parachute’. 



Our Year 8s are excitedly awaiting the dissection of a sheep’s heart upon their return. They have been investigating body systems over the past 4 weeks and now they will be able to observe the actual structure of the heart. A great way to deepen their understanding of how a mammalian heart functions.  

Year 9s have begun their inquiry project remotely, by designing, conducting and then evaluating their own scientific investigation. They have been guided through the process during their virtual lessons and we can’t wait to see their final reports that will be presented in the form of a scientific poster. This is fantastic preparation for practical investigations in senior school. 

Our Year 10 and 11 students are now putting the theory they have been learning into action by completing experiments as well as their independent practical investigations. In Chemistry, students have been learning about the properties of water, including how to analyse samples and methods for testing pollutants. Here are some of our Year 11s testing the amount of phosphorous in fertiliser. 

Year 12s have been busy both in class and at home consolidating their learning from Units 3 and 4. This involves a combination of theory lessons as well as applying their learning through activities and experiments. Our year 12 Chemistry class has been studying organic chemistry and the various methods that are used to identify and quantify organic compounds. Here the students are performing a titration to determine the actual mass of aspirin present in aspirin tablets. 


Skye Jennings
Science KLA Head 



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What a difference it has been with our Year 7, 11 and 12 students returning to school this term!  We have been able to complete a wider range of activities and students have built on what they learned during Remote Learning. 

Highlights have included: 

  • Year 7 Geography students were involved in interactive mapping tasks.  These have included exercises where students examined sections of the college grounds using digital platforms and satellite photography.  Classes then moved outside to the actual locations, where further checks and measurements were taken. 
  • Many high-quality Year 7 Suburb Design assignments were recently completed, both using online tools and paper. 
  • There were also many impressive Year 8 Megacity CATs. 
  • Year 9 Sustainable World students have examined how our perceptions of places can be challenged.   
  • Year 11 History students have examined documents relating to Apartheid in South Africa.  There have been energised discussions about events and how this period in history compares to the previous topics studied. 

We are also looking forward to running many great activities to run over the coming weeks with our Years 8, 9 and 10 students. 

Chris Hanneberry 
Humanities KLA Leader 


The Arts

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It has been so fantastic to welcome back our Arts’ students to on-campus learning. It is an exciting time as we not only get to see our VCE Studio Arts, Media, Music and VCD students excel in the classroom, but we also get to see their final productions and artworks come to life. The standard of work being produced this year is super high and very impressive. All of the students should be very proud of what they have been able to achieve through some difficult circumstances. 


As they say: “The show must go on!” Our students didn’t let a pandemic get in the way on putting on a fantastic show. In the final weeks of Remote Learning, together with the help of some of their teachers, they managed to perform various scenes from Alice in Wonderland through the magic of Teams and greenscreen backgrounds 

Congratulations to the entire cast and crew. You’ve all done such a fantastic job! 


  • Jasmine Lynch as The Rabbit 
  • Ashleigh Edwards as Alice 
  • Laura Harrison as The Mad Hatter 
  • Mia Goeree as The Queen  
  • Hayley Lamb as The Storyteller 
  • Owen Wahrenberger as The March Hare 
  • Maddison Christensen as The Doormouse 
  • Tegan McDonald as Tweedle Dee 
  • Acacia Pearce as Tweedle Dum 
  • Ruby Cassidy as The Guard and The Footman 

A special thank you to Mrs Sund for directing the performances and to Mr Neil-Holland for editing each scene.  


As our senior students returned to on campus learning, our Media students are busily putting the finishing touches to some amazing short films. This year’s film festival marks the 8th year of showcasing our budding filmmakers of tomorrow. This year’s festival will be unique as it is streaming on the College’s Facebook page at . 


A reminder that you can see more of the amazing artwork our students are completing at the College’s Instagram page. Updated daily with phenomenal student work, the page has showcased over 650 pieces of artwork and has amassed almost 1000 followers since its inception. Be sure to follow along at . 


Matthew Neil-Holland 
The Arts KLA Head 


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We are looking forward to having all students back on site. 

EAL homegroup will not be running onsite during Term 4, however, students can still contact us through Teams. We will continue to send out information to students and families through Teams and Compass, and also continue to support students during classes. 

Course confirmation will have a different format this year. There will not be an in-person session like previous years. We will send out more details when they are finalised. Please keep an eye on Compass and your emails for more information. 

Finally, the Centre for Multicultural Youth are currently offering a free VCE support program for eligible students. Please refer to their website for other services which they provide: 

Charlie Chaturapornkul
EAL Coordinator


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Technology Studies 

In Technology, we have been back into the workshop as students have started returning to school in Term 4. The Year 7s have been very keen to start a project after learning from home during Term 3. They have jumped straight into learning to use the tools and equipment that they have spent time learning about and they have made the most of the opportunities presented to them. 

The Year 11s are quickly heading to the end of the year and their exams and have had to jump into the production tasks as the shortened year has impacted time in the workshop. Most students are progressing well and their products are taking shape. The students have also looked at how they can save time during production by making small changes to plans and looking to make to best use of the limited time and resources.  

I want to congratulate all technology students for hanging in there during Remote Learning this year and for persisting in the tasks which were set.   

Andrew Dingey 

Technology KLA

Food Technology

As we end remote learning, I would like to once again acknowledge the work and effort of students and families. Thank you for supporting the all the Food Studies and Textiles programs over all year levels. I have been so proud to be part of our school community over these past months and have loved watching students develop their resilience and come up with creative ways to achieve their learning goals. Their level of endeavour and compassion for each other has been impressive.  


It has been great to see the Year 7 students back in the kitchens cooking and developing their own designer Muffin recipes. We wish the Year 11 students the very best as they complete their course work and prepare for the exams. Loved seeing them cooking up storm over the last couple weeks. 


As we return back to school students have been preparing for their production activities. Food Studies students have developing their options for their independent production activities. The Year 10 Food Studies are developing their MeaKits, Barkers Bakery students have been designing their own desserts and Food for Life Students have been developing their own noodle box recipes. I can’t wait to see them make their recipes over the coming weeks.  

Students are also to be congratulated for independently striving to develop their technical skills by making recipes at home and sharing their results. A great effort. 

Well done to the Year 8 Textile Production Design students for the effort and work they have put into developing their skills. The bookmarkers they made applying the technical skills resulting in some great results. 

Looking forward to returning to school. 

Betty Metaxas



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A big warm welcome back to our Year 7 and Senior School students.  It has been fantastic to see so many smiling faces in and out of the classroom and we cannot wait for a full return of our 8-10 students on Monday 26th October.  The PE department has faced many challenges this year, however we are extremely pleased to be running our full PE program outdoors for the remainder of the year. This term, students will be participating in the annual Year 7 SEPEP Netball and Year 9 SEPEP Handball tournaments. The Year 8 students will be participating in a range of sports including Disability and Cultural Games, Speedball, and AFL Sevens. 

Due to Covid restrictions, the sports chosen are non-contact, however, still provide the students with the opportunity to develop an array of abilities including their tactics, defensive and offensive play, passing, receiving and shooting the ball. After teaching nearly a whole year behind a screen, the PE team is eager to be able to teach face to face and are looking forward to some competitive flair to come out during game time. SEPEP tournaments are a fantastic way for students to experience all kinds of roles which are involved in team sport, not just the physical aspects. The students will experience a range of team roles including being: a captain, coach, umpire, scorer, timer, team manager and presenting awards to their fellow teammates. In SEPEP, the crucial elements of teamwork, communication and code of ethics are all developed, and students are encouraged to support their teammates whilst also being respectful to the umpires and their opponents.  

Lastly, I’d like to thank all our parent/guardian community for their support in ensuring students stayed active during lockdown. It was amazing to see parents, siblings and even family pets enjoying their daily walks and even some home workouts and obstacle courses. The juggling act between screen time and activity can often be hard to manage, but students have continued to show their resilience and passion for movement and physical activity for the body and mind. I’m sure the pets will enjoy a well-deserved break once all students are back on site.  

Stephanie Todd 
Head of Health and Physical Education  


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During Term 3 Remote Learning, the Year 7 ASPIRE class participated in a Yarra Ranges Tech School (YRTS) program called “Bees with Backpacks”. This program was conducted online and allowed students to work through modules and discover information at their own pace, with help from the YRTS staff and their Science and Maths teachers. Throughout the modules, students were required to learn about the CSIRO’s micro sensing technology and how it is used to monitor and track the activity of bees around the hive and the distances they travel. Students enjoyed participating in a program with such important implications for their own lives and were tasked with creating a bee friendly environment in their own backyard.

During Term 4 we have two students participating in the Victorian High Ability Program. These students complete a weekly online class with Virtual Schools Victoria. This program works to develop and improve their problem-solving skills and allows them to work and network with like-minded students from other schools around the state. It has been pleasing to see our students embrace the challenge and work cooperatively with each other to complete the set tasks. 

Kara Salmon 
ASPIRE Coordinator and High Ability Practice Leader 


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This week, Year 11 VCAL students have been getting ready for and completing their mock interviews to achieve competency in their Intermediate Work-Related Skills Outcomes. These interviews have been conducted remotely with our partners at the Outer Eastern Local Learning Employment Network (OELLEN). The feedback from students and interviewers has been overwhelmingly positive with comments like: “I feel so much more relaxed about interviews now” and “The students are able to talk about their personal attributes confidently”. Experiences like these equip our students for the realities of getting a job and builds confidence in their abilities. We are so proud of how well our students have approached this learning opportunity and wish the best of luck for the students who will be completing their interviews next week. 

 Applied Learning Challenge: How would you answer these general interview questions?   

  1. Tell me about yourself.  

     2. What attracted you to this company?  

     3. What are your strengths?  

     4. Why should we hire you?  

     5. What can you offer us that other candidates can’t?  

     6. Can you tell us about a time you have worked in a team?  

     7. What interests you about this particular industry?  

     8. What are your long and short-term goals?  

     9. How do you cope under pressure? Provide an example.  

    10. Do you have any questions for me?  

Natalie Bisi 
Acting VCAL Co-ordinator 


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Our Year 7s have made an excellent start to Independent Reading in Term 4. It has been great to see the range of texts that students have chosen to read – from a Fornite How-To Guide to my personal favourite, the Harry Potter series. This program provides our students with the opportunity to foster a love of reading, whilst also developing crucial literacy skills. 

have been visiting each Year 7 group to discuss the importance of reading and have been pleased by the number of students who can articulate the benefits of reading, both at school and in the ‘real world’. We have spoken about the literacy components that are associated with any career field, as well as practical applications in the more immediate future, such as learning the road rules and signing a contract for a part-time job.  

During these visits, I have also posed a challenging question: 

A student who reads for 1 minute per day reads 8000 words per year. How many words would a student encounter if they read for 20 minutes per day?  

Prizes have been awarded for the closest guesses and I am impressed that students have combined their literacy and numeracy skills to find an answer. See the image below for some interesting statistics! 

Sarah Garnaut 
Learning Specialist – Literacy  


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At the time of writing, the Languages KLA at Mooroolbark College is in the process of preparing for and eagerly anticipating the full return of students after months of lockdown! 

During the lockdown students had the opportunity to participate actively in online classes and those who contributed consistently and to a high standard will find a small reward awaiting them on their return to school. It is our way of saying congratulations to those students who made a consistent effort during Remote Learning!  

For any student who experienced difficulty with the online learning process, arrangements have been made to ensure they are given every opportunity to ‘get back into the swing of things’ and complete what is necessary by the end of Term 4. If any student needs further help, they need only ask – we are only too happy to help.

German News: 

At the end of last Term, German oral assessments were due and we were very happy to see that those students who followed the weekly Learning Tasks and sent work in for correction and feedback had very little difficulty in completing the task and a significant proportion of students were able to demonstrate high levels of achievement to attain Merit Certificates, despite the Covid19 Lockdown. Students have been congratulated and Merits sent out. 

The students of German at Mooroolbark College have really impressed their teachers with the way they have embraced learning German online. Thanks to technology, the students are able to listen to relevant audio files of the new work and they have been able to submit audio files back to us of themselves in an interview situation. This was no mean feat! The Year 7s did an interview about a fictitious missing pet and the Year 8s answered questions in an interview about their school subjects and their timetables. A couple of the outstanding pieces of work by Year 7 students, Aleisha Torriero and Michael Gore are attached. Their posters were first seen on the school’s Facebook. 

We are looking forward to ending Remote Learning and returning to a full complement of students. We will focus on cultural activities at the end of Term 4, being careful to readjust our teaching to the new circumstances and providing the opportunities for all students to excel 

 Chinese News: 

At the end of Term 3 in our Chinese remote classes, Year 8 students investigated the symbol of Yin & Yang in depth, focusing on the underpinning philosophy – Daoism, as well as the associated form of exercise Tai Chi. They have used their excellent research skills to explore various aspects of this Ancient Chinese philosophy and created some wonderful pieces of work to present their findings and understanding. Attached are Joshua Clarke and Teagan Skell’s posters, but we have many more to display in our Mandarin classroom in C1! 

With Remote Learning drawing to a close, we’re very excited to welcome back our Year 9 students who haven’t had a chance to meet their new Chinese teacher in person yet. Even so, thanks to technology, our students have enjoyed their learning throughout the lockdown and completed their assessment tasks to a high standard. Being able to type Chinese on computer rather than having to handwrite all the words has remarkably improved their confidence and skills in writing!  

Of course, we do not want to forget our wonderful Year 7s who have coped so well with all the challenges this year. In recent weeks they have been learning body parts and basic adjectives in Chinese. For the CAT, they are expected to design a xiao guàiwù (little monster) of their own and form complete sentences to describe it. We look forward to reading their creative posters soon!  

Jonas Bahlo / Andrea Henderson / Yi Jiang 

Language Department 

2021 BYOD (Bring your own device) program

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At Mooroolbark College we are continuing our educational journey with the integration of the Bring Your Own Device notebook program for 2021. 

Our notebook program is about providing students and teachers with the opportunity to use technology to explore powerful learning possibilities across the curriculum, taking advantage of digital learning, communication and software applications available. 

Mooroolbark College is proud to partner with Edunet to offer the 2021 BYOD program.

Orders can be placed via the Edunet portal on our College website. 

Pre Christmas Delivery
Orders close 30th October, 2020
For collection 18th December, 2020

Post Christmas Delivery
Orders close 4th December, 2020
For collection 18th January, 2021

For further information or assistance, please contact the College ICT team or Edunet

Tina Forte
ICT Manager



Calendar Dates

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Friday 30th October – Year 12 Final Assembly

Tuesday 3rd November – Melbourne Cup Day (College Closed)
Thursday 5th November – Mooroolbark College Film Festival – Virtual
Tuesday 24th November – College Council Meeting 7pm
Monday 30th November – MCPA Meeting 7pm 

Thursday 3rd December – Last Day of Year 11 for 2020
Friday 4th December – Last Day of Year 10 for 2020
Monday 7th December – MCPA Meeting 7pm
Tuesday 8th December – Year 7 (2021) Orientation Day 
Tuesday 15th December – MCPA and College Council Christmas Dinner 7pm
Wednesday 16th December – Awards Presentation
Friday 18th December – Term 4 Ends

Mooroolbark College Newsletter – October 2020