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The start of each new year is very special.  Each year we welcome into the Mooroolbark College family both new staff and new students.  Today we celebrated our Opening Assembly where we welcomed 200 new Year Seven students and 25 new students across Years 8 to 12.  Unfortunately, we couldn’t have the whole school in the ECA to welcome our students, but our Year 12 students did provide a guard of honour to enthusiastically welcome the Year 7 students.  Years 8 to 11 joined via TEAMs.

As part of the assembly we welcomed our new staff to the College.  

  • Clare Assetta – Instrumental Music – Voice
  • Toobah Awais – Learning Specialist – STEAM
  • Emma Brown – Literacy Support
  • Nick Davatzis – Humanities
  • Viv Doolan – Instrumental Music – Percussion
  • Clinton Eldridge – Guitar
  • Christie Godby – Maths/Science
  • Rebecca Herrick – Student Counsellor
  • Darren Jackson – Maths/Science
  • Taylah Mackie – Art/Technology
  • Judy Miller – English/Humanities
  • Sarah Pearsall – Student Learning Mentor
  • Michelle Thatcher – Student Administration
  • Penn Valk – English
  • Paige Williams – English/Humanities

After the previous two years’ Covid 19 disruptions, it has been wonderful to see our students return in such a positive way.  I would like to particularly thank our past 2021 Year 12 students who have come back to support the transition of the Year 7 students by spending two weeks in the classroom with them.

Thank goes to Sienna Anker, Molly Gerson, Ashlyn Borg, Molly Barnewall, Harry Brzozek, Aiden Mackey, Alana Roache Brooke Bellinger, Jaymie Cathie, Jordyn Doevelaar, Riley Price, Jemma Luke and Declan Lane.



Today we launched our College House Names.  As we all know at Mooroolbark College, each student and staff member belongs to one of the four Houses.  A person’s House becomes their family whilst at school and provides a supportive and caring environment.

Mooroolbark College is proud to have adopted the following names for the Houses, with the permission of the Wurundjeri Land Council.  Each part of our College logo is represented by the Houses, and their respective storylines link strongly to our College values of RESPECT, RESILIENCE, COMPASSION and ENDEAVOUR.

We engaged Simone Thomson, Aboriginal artist and descendant of Wurundjeri and Yorta-Yorta tribes to create a piece of art to represent each House.  Simone was with us at our Opening Assembly today and we thank her for her contribution to the emerging identity of each House.  It is a privilege to have our Houses named in the Woiwurrung language.


Until now, each House had a mascot and a colour but lacked a name.  Today that changes with the launch of the following House names:

BAAN HOUSE (Water) – Blue

NGAWAN HOUSE (Sun) – Yellow

DARRANG HOUSE (Tree) – Green

BIIK HOUSE (Earth) – Red

I am looking forward to seeing our House System continue to grow and develop.



The final stage of our building works began during the school holidays.  We have begun the redevelopment of both the north and southern quadrangles and the refurbishment of B Block, converting it into the Student Wellbeing Centre.  A space to support our students health and wellbeing.  This space will have seating for students and a café area for lunch.  Our support services, including Houses will be housed within.  It is lovely to be able to share some progress photos with the school community. 


I am looking forward to a great term and year ahead, with some normality returning to school and learning.



Ann Stratford



Mooroolbark College – Principal’s Report – February 2022