With the busy end to Term 2 and commencement of Term 3, the College has seen many successes to celebrate along the way. This saw our Year 10 students gain valuable experience through Work Experience placements in a diverse range of industries and organisations. From hospitality and universities to warehouses and kindergartens, our Year 10 students secured fantastic opportunities. The most popular placements were in educational settings, construction, childcare, and retail. Feedback from both students and employers has been overwhelmingly positive, and we extend our gratitude to the employers who made these experiences possible.
In addition to work placements, students participated in a variety of extra-curricular activities, including the Year 9 ‘City9’ experience, ManCave and ImpowHERment sessions, Central Australia trip, Outdoor Ed, Arts Week, Winter Concert, Performing Arts camp, and our outstanding production of ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ These activities help develop students’ social skills, independence, peer relationships, and overall well-being.
The College has also focused on enhancing student learning outcomes. We held a whole-school professional learning day to improve teaching and learning outcomes, in line with our Strategic Plan. Our teams have been refining the curriculum and strengthening both staff and student practices. Throughout the term, Professional Learning Teams have used current data to address the learning needs of our students and prepare for the 2025 academic year. We are committed to providing a high-quality education tailored to our student’s needs.
We are proud to announce that our Numeracy Improvement and Transition Team presented our significant growth at the statewide Principal Conference. The College has also been recognized by the Department of Education for our achievements in reading, ranking among the top 10 state schools in Victoria. Our Teaching and Learning teams are now focused on analysing NAPLAN data to inform strategies for 2025.
We celebrated a milestone for our Year 7 students with 100 days at the College, featuring activities in Literacy, Numeracy, STEAM and extra circular activities. Looking ahead, we are excited to showcase our students’ academic excellence at the Night of Excellence on October 17th. Students in Years 7 to 10 will present their work to their families. Additionally, the Arts faculty will hold the annual Art Exhibition, and we look forward to celebrating the incredible talent of our students.
We are committed to engaging with our wider community to further support and ensure the success of our students. The College has an established Parents Association MCPA, which is unique for a secondary school, and we value the contribution they can make to the College. Through fundraising activities, the MCPA continues to add value and contribute to our school to directly benefit our students. I would like to thank them for a hugely successful Bunnings BBQ day where students, parents and teachers worked tirelessly to again raise much needed funds.
The College Council plays a crucial role in working with students, staff and leadership in supporting governance and strategic direction while striving to achieve our educational goals. The College Council meet twice a term, and we look forward to our next meeting in September, where we invite the community to our AGM to share our continued successes.
Thank you for your continued support.