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Year 7 Special Edition Newsletter – March 2025

7th March 2025

This is our Special Edition Newsletter for all new Year 7 Parents and Guardians!

The Mooroolbark College newsletters are an important form of communication for our school community.
Each newsletter contains a great deal of information about what is happening in the College including upcoming events and celebration of student success.

Enjoy reading about all the amazing things happening around our College.



Upcoming Events


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Welcome back to 2025.   I am excited about what the year has in store for Mooroolbark College.     



Each morning all students attend their House-based Connect class from 8.44 am to 9.00 am to start the day. This is an extremely important time in the day of a student at Mooroolbark College. 

The purpose of Connect is to begin the beginning of each day in a positive manner for each Mooroolbark College student. The morning Connect classes focus on student led goal setting, teaching the College values of Respect, Endeavour, Compassion and Resilience, celebrating student achievements and activities linked to developing a positive mindset. 

Starting the day in a positive manner has many benefits including: 

  • Boosts Mood and Confidence 
  • Improves Physical Health 
  • Increases Productivity 
  • Enhances Relationships 
  • Promotes a Growth Mindset 


In addition, each year level focuses on a specific College value: 

Year 7 – a focus on RESILIENCE 

Our Year 7 students began the year positively and have settled in well demonstrating resilience from day one. We held our first assembly on Monday to induct our Year 7s into the school. Each House entered the ECA to a thunderous round of applause and to their House theme music. This is an important part of inducting our Year 7s into the school. Throughout the year, Year 7 students will work with our Wellbeing Team and their House Teams to further enhance their resilience both at school and in their everyday lives. 

Year 8 – a focus on RESPECT 

The College’s Year 8 students have begun their new year by starting new Art and Technology subjects. Year 8 students study Visual Communication, Product Design, Drama and Information Technology as part of their exposure to the curriculum. Further, the work they undertake in Year 8 English focusses on the meaning of respect and how to demonstrate respect in everyday lives.

Year 9 – a focus on ENDEAVOUR

Year 9 students have their first taste of studying their elective program as well as an introduction into the SHIELD program. The SHIELD program specifically focusses on the value of endeavour. They start and end the year (terms 1 & 4) with House based sports competitions, while in term 2 the students undertake the City Experience and in term 3 the students commit themselves to community engagement activities. 

Year 10 – a focus on COMPASSION

Year 10 is such an important year as students prepare for Senior School (Year 11 and 12).   With many of our Year 10 students accelerating and already enrolled in a VCE subject, this is an essential year of growth and development. Throughout the year, the students focus on Compassion and being kind to others and themselves as they move into Senior School. 

Year 11 & 12 – a holistic approach to the College Values 

As Year 11 and 12 students start or continue their studies in either VCE or VCE VM, it is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate the College values. Each year at the end of Year 12 each House awards prestigious House Values Awards to the students who have demonstrated the four College values throughout their time at the College. 


In 2024 the Mooroolbark College Values winners were:

Baan House

  • Bailey Doevelaar 
  • Rhianna Gray 

Biik House

  • Natasha Rowe 
  • Nat Tresidder 

Darrang House

  • Reuben Johnson 

Ngawan House

  • Belle Gavin 
  • Owen Wahrenberger 
  • Honey Woning 

The final award presented each year at the Valedictory Dinner is the AMPOL – All Rounder Award.  In 2024 this honour when to Hayley Lamb. 

Congratulations to all these recipients. 




This year we have changed the structure of the newsletter to incorporate a theme into each of the publications. 

Term 1 – Issue 1 – Starting up the year 

Term 1 – Issue 2 – Opportunities at Mooroolbark College 

Term 2 – Issue 3 – Open Night – A celebration 

Term 2 – Issue 4 – Student Wellbeing 

Term 3 – Issue 5 – Learning in the real world 

Term 3 – Issue 6 – Undercover Talent 

Term 4 – Issue 7 – Celebrating excellence 

Term 5 – Issue 8 – Wrapping up the year 

Year 7 students are receiving a hard copy of the first issue whilst families in Years 8 to 12 will receive an emailed version. Issue 2 to 8 will be emailed to all families via email. 

Social Media 

Don’t forget to follow our Mooroolbark College Official Facebook page and the Mooroolbark College Official Instagram account. Both these platforms provide daily communication celebrating what is happening in the classroom and in the community for our students. 


Ann Stratford 


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The Junior School team is delighted to welcome students back in 2025. We are excited for a fantastic year ahead, filled with opportunities to connect, explore, and challenge ourselves. Highlights of the year include the Year 8 Summit Camp, Year 9 City Experience, interschool sports, meeting our new ‘Connect’ groups, and visits to the Yarra Ranges Tech School. We can’t wait to see all that our students will achieve in 2025! 

Year 7 students at Mooroolbark College have had an exciting start as they settled back into school last week with our Ready to Learn program. Students were ushered into T-block where staff were gathered to welcome our brand-new cohort of 2025!  

Our Year 7s followed an exciting program over Thursday and Friday, helping them to prepare for the year ahead. We started the year off with students attending their very first ‘Connect’ class and a house welcoming session. Students also participated in our annual year 7 interhouse competition, earning valuable points for their houses. All our classes attended a thrilling math show that had students solving problems they never thought possible and boosting their confidence.  

In the library, students gathered to be inspired by award-winning author Sofie Laguna, who shared her journey as a writer and spoke about the joy of reading and writing for personal growth, rather than just for teachers. Her visit encouraged students to embrace literacy and creativity in their own way. 

Transition mentors worked closely with their form groups to foster student relationships and ensure a smooth start to school life. Through engaging games and activities, they helped students build connections with their peers while also guiding them through essential digital tasks. This included setting up their ICT accounts, successfully logging into Compass, and organising their coloured subject folder. We hope The Ready to Learn program helped our students transition smoothly into Year 7, equipping them with the skills, confidence, and enthusiasm to make the most of their learning journey here at Mooroolbark College! 

The Year 7 Welcome BBQ and Club Sign-Up Night was a fantastic opportunity for students and their families to connect with the school community. With a delicious barbecue providing a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, students had the chance to meet their peers, teachers, and support staff. The event also showcased the wide range of clubs and extracurricular activities available, encouraging students to explore their interests and get involved in school life. From sports teams, Art Club, Tournament of the Minds and many more, there was something for everyone, helping Year 7s feel excited and connected in their new school environment. 

Year 8 and 9 students have had an energetic start to the year, meeting their new form groups and trialing their new elective subjects with enthusiasm. The SHIELD program for Year 9 was also launched for 2025. Students are eager to begin their chosen sport and earn valuable points for their house.  

We wish all students the best for the year ahead. 




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The senior school student’s year has started with a bang! All year 12 students took part in a “Deep Dive into 2025” which involved a day spent together forming relationships, team building and motivating them for the year ahead.  

Our starting session was with Daniel Merza, a speaker who travels the world talking to students about being leaders of their life. He also talked about the monkeys we all have on our backs and students got to identify which monkey was holding them back from experiencing success for 2025. 

Following this, students enjoyed some lunch of pizza and fish and chips before dividing off into single smaller sessions to that were focused on Mindfulness, Wellbeing or Study Skills. Students got to choose which two sessions they wanted to experience and saw to many of them developing themselves for the year ahead.  

We have also welcomed Year 11 VCE and VCE VM students back with two sessions Elevate. These sessions saw our students develop Time Management and their own Elevation of themselves. We wrapped up the day with some interhouse competition to which Darrang House landed on top. The jump from year 10 to 11 has been made apparent and it is good to see all senior students making the most of their study time and utilising Club 3/4. 

We celebrated the success of the Class of 2024 in a general assembly, by inviting the top 10 students to speak at the assembly. Congratulations to Liam Price, Daniel Harrison, Natsha Rowe, Jesse Johnston, Jackson Reid, Belle Gavin, Natalya Wheeler, James Flewellen, Harry Cathie, Saskia McPherson.  

We are now settling into the first of many SAC-heavy weeks. Some advice to all our VCE and VCE VM students: 


1. Balance is important 

Senior school years are hard work! Keep up your hobbies and leisure activities and talk to someone if things are getting overwhelming. All staff at Mooroolbark College are here to support you through these two years 


2. Find YOUR best way to study 

VCE and VCE VM is all about independent learning and finding out how you learn best. This means discovering how you study. You might learn best by drawing pictures and diagrams, making up songs with matching dances, or you might learn by simply writing things down. 

As well as experimenting with different methods of study, try studying at different times of the day. You might be sharpest of an evening, rather than the morning! If you know yourself and how you study, learn and remember, you will have a better chance of knowing your coursework. 


3. Time Management is key 

Learning how to use your time effectively is crucial in building personal and school life balance, reduce stress, handing in assessments on time as well as being prepared for all your SACs and exams. 


4. SACs are intended to prepare you for exams 

School Assessed Coursework (SACs) is the closest you’re going to get to an exam situation throughout the year, especially with regards to time constraints. Use your SACs to practise completing assessment tasks in allocated times. That practise is absolutely essential and will give you an advantage in the exam. It will also help you to feel at ease and less pressured when having to write a lot in such a short amount of time. Treat every SAC like you would an exam


5. Consistency is key 

No one can cram a unit of work in one or two nights before a SAC. Give yourself every opportunity to succeed. Regular study sessions every night will pay off in the end. Whether you are doing VCE or VCE-VM, keeping up-to-date with your coursework as it is due, is the best way to stay ahead of the game.  




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Be Inspired: Student Leadership at Mooroolbark College

As you settle into this exciting new chapter, we want to introduce you to one of the most rewarding opportunities available — Student Leadership.

At Mooroolbark College, student leaders aren’t just given a badge — they make a real difference. They are role models, and the driving force behind many of the initiatives that shape our school community.

Here’s a glimpse into what our incredible student leaders have accomplished in recent years:

– Organising the Annual College Carnival:

One of the highlights of the school year is Carnival Day — a fun-filled event packed with stalls, food trucks, and exciting activities. Our student leaders play a crucial role in planning and running the event. From helping to set up stalls during recess, managing ticket sales at the South Quad stage, and ensuring the day runs smoothly, their leadership and teamwork are on full display.

– Leading Tours and Showcasing Our School:

During Open Night, student leaders step up to guide prospective families around the campus, proudly sharing their experiences and helping others feel connected to our community.

– Creating Positive Change:

From improving school facilities to suggesting new clubs and activities, fundraisers and initiatives, student leaders have worked closely with staff to ensure student voices are heard and acted upon.

– Representing Our School:

All of our leaders have attended leadership conferences, collaborating with other leaders, staff and bringing back fresh ideas to inspire our community.

– Building School Spirit:

House Captains have led cheering squads, organised sports competitions, and motivated their peers to participate in school-wide events, fostering a sense of unity and pride.


By stepping into a leadership role, you can:

✅ Build confidence and public speaking skills.

✅ Make lasting friendships across year levels.

✅ Influence positive change within the school.

✅ Gain valuable experience for future opportunities.


We encourage every Year 7 student to get involved. Keep an eye out for upcoming information sessions — this could be the start of your leadership journey!


Our past student leaders have left their mark — now it’s your turn to write the next chapter.


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The Houses were thrilled to welcome back their students – refreshed and ready to go for a big 2025! 

It was great to welcome our new Year 7 cohort in Week 1 to their first taste of high school life at Mooroolbark College. The Houses prepared various activities and games for the students that was aimed to increase connection amongst the students. 

Year 7’s were introduced to their coordinators and House team, which is an essential part of the support network within the House structure. The House system is designed to create a family atmosphere within each House, where the House teams get to know students and their families well throughout their time at Mooroolbark College which allows us to best support each student. 

One of the main changes in 2025 is the modification of ‘Homegroup’ to ‘Connect’. ‘Connect’ is students first point of connection to the Mooroolbark College school community each day and is aimed to be a fun and interactive start to the day that assists in the development of positive relationships with their peers and teachers. There will be plenty of House based activities, games and competitions with both physical and academic challenges. 

Students and parents will now also see ‘Connect’ on student reports – including their attendance and a report on how they are progressing in the subject. 

Coming up in Term 1 is the school swimming carnival. We encourage all students to dress up in their House colours and get involved in any event! There are plenty of in and out of water events for students to participate in. Every student who participates earns points for their House, with a swimming carnival trophy on the line! All points go towards the coveted House Cup which is announced at the end of each year. 

In Week 3, Houses will be running their first assemblies of 2025. This is a great opportunity for Houses to introduce their student leadership teams, promote different events within the college and introduce our Year 7 cohort. 

We look forward to working with you in 2025 and having a great year! 



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Literacy Spotlight.

Reading. There are those who love it and there are those that hate it.

It’s a massive part of everyday life- being able to read and being able to make sense of what you have read.

At Mooroolbark College, we value building the literacy skills of our students. At Years 7 and 8 students attend Literacy classes 3 times in the fortnight. In these sessions, our students engage in a range of activities to help build their skills and confidence in all areas of literacy.

In Term 1 we have focussed on building oral and visual literacy skills. We have explored how visual communication is used in everyday life- street signs, warning signs, computer icons- and how symbols and signs work together to communicate meaning. Oral literacy skills have been practiced and refined through small group and whole class discussions.

At Mooroolbark College, we know that when our students can develop a personal love of reading; when they learn to read for passion, they will have greater success when reading required texts in different subjects. This term, we have been focusing on build a personal love of reading during DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read).

Our students have enjoyed reading a range of books in a range of formats. Our Year 7 students have really taken to eBooks and audiobooks after their amazing introductory library session.

Our Year 7s have commented:

‘That was amazing! I had music blaring in my ears as I read. I LOVE READING!!!’

‘I was finding the physical book a bit overwhelming. I loved that there was a digital copy on Wheelers. I like reading of a screen much more.’

‘Being able to close my eyes and just listen to the story is great.’


Our Year 8 classes also had the opportunity to try out the Book Café. Our students read the first page of a range of books and ranked them. They used this ranking to identify areas of interest and potential new books to read.

Some of our Year 8s have enjoyed discovering new books:

‘I read ‘Heartstopper’, a suggestion from Mr Blair. I liked reading it and liked the character design.’

‘I read ‘Wonka’, written by Sibeal Pounder and two interesting things we’re that it used bigger words for onomatopoeia and that the chapters were the songs from the original movie.’

‘I was listening to a podcast on Spotify called Real Survival Stories’ 


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2025 is off to a flying start. A huge welcome to all of our new students in Year 7 and those joining other year levels also. As we settle into the new year, we, in Mathematics really want to express our value for students’ academic performance and sense of wellbeing. Student confidence and understanding is a huge part of this. So, it seems very appropriate to remind our College community of the support we have available in Numeracy, shall any student feel like they need it. Below is a list of interventions and support that we offer across Numeracy. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly Maths team, Kara Salmon, the faculty Leader or Jade Hubben, Numeracy Learning Specialist. 

Applying Mathematics skills to a real-life scenario = Numeracy at Mooroolbark College. 

Numeracy at Mooroolbark College is woven into our Mathematics curriculum. Whilst we deliver specific Numeracy program in our Year 7 -9 classes and across the college, we value reasoning, creative thinking and problem solving through the application of Numeracy understanding applied to real world contexts. 

Students are presented with a problem, need to collaborate with peers and think critically to investigate these, and draw conclusions. Students are required to reflect on these scenarios, identify their metacognition and develop transferable skills. 





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Launching the Year 9 Shield Program: Embracing Endeavour and Growth! 

The Year 9 Shield Program has officially kicked off, bringing a wave of excitement and anticipation among students. Designed to foster teamwork, resilience, and personal growth, this program provides students with a diverse range of opportunities to develop their skills across various areas. 

As the year begins, the Shield Program provides an exciting opportunity for students to get involved and set the tone for a year of growth and challenge. Term 1 kicks off with our sports program, offering students the opportunity to participate in netball, volleyball, soccer, and recreational fitness. Whether focusing on competition or simply getting involved, students have eagerly embraced the chance to develop their skills, stay active, and be part of the program. This sets a positive tone for the term, encouraging teamwork, confidence, and a strong sense of house spirit. 

In addition to sports, we have also begun preparing for NAPLAN. Through targeted activities and skill-building exercises, students are sharpening their literacy and numeracy skills to ensure they feel confident and prepared for the upcoming assessments. 

Beyond the classroom, students are already looking ahead to one of the biggest highlights of the year—the City Experience in Term 2. This exciting program will allow them to explore Melbourne, develop independence, and engage in real-world learning opportunities. The anticipation is growing as students begin planning and preparing for this unforgettable experience. 

Even when the weather is not in our favour, the Shield Program also emphasises the importance of teamwork and leadership, with students participating in a variety of team-building activities and challenges. These experiences are helping to strengthen friendships, improve problem-solving skills, and encourage collaboration. 

With so many exciting opportunities ahead, the Year 9 Shield Program promises to be a rewarding journey of learning, discovery, and personal growth. Students are eager to take on new challenges and make the most of everything this program has to offer! 




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Year 7 Camp at Forest Edge: 3 Days of Adventure and Fun! 

Year 7 students recently embarked on an unforgettable camp at Forest Edge, filled with excitement, adventure, and new friendships. Over the course of the trip, students took part in a variety of thrilling activities that challenged them both physically and mentally including the famous bushwalk. 

One of the standout activities was the flying fox, where students raced each other down at exhilarating speeds. As one student shared, “The zip line was the best part! We had so much fun racing each other down!” Students had the chance to soar over the river and take in the views. 

For those who love water activities, water sledding and raft building were major hits. Students had the chance to build their own rafts and test their designs in friendly competitions. One camper said, “Camp was GREAT! We went zooming over the river on the flying fox, shooting targets with bows in archery, proving how fearless we are on the high ropes course, and even racing our own rafts!

Beyond the activities, the food at camp received glowing reviews. From hearty meals to delicious skewers, students appreciated the variety and quality. “The variety of activities and food there was really enjoyable! Probably one of the best camps I’ve been to so far!” 

Another hit was the annual kickball tournament! Students showing off their teamwork, strategy, and competitive spirit. After a series of intense matches, Darrang House emerged victorious. Cheers erupted as they secured the final win, celebrating their well-earned victory. Whether winning or not, all students had a fantastic time participating, fostering teamwork and school spirit. 

Overall, Year 7 camp was a fantastic experience where students made lasting memories and new friendships. It was a trip filled with adventure, laughter, and a whole lot of fun! 



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On March 4th, we held our annual swimming carnival at Croydon Memorial Pool. It was a gorgeous, sunny day, and the turnout for all events was fantastic. The venue was filled with a sea of colors – blue, green, red, and yellow – representing each house prominently throughout the day. We were especially thrilled by the high participation in the walking lane, water polo, and nine square. Congratulations to all swimmers who competed and earned valuable points for their house. Many students achieved remarkable results, earning multiple blue ribbons and securing spots on the 2025 Mooroolbark College swimming team.

A big thank you goes to all the staff who officiated, supervised, and participated in the events. Looking forward to our upcoming athletics and cross country carnivals later this year!



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It’s time to get your dancing shoes on! In 2025 Mooroolbark College are bringing this 80s classic Footloose to life!  

Lead roles have been cast, the energy and excitement are contagious, and everyone is eager to hit the stage.  

Whether you’re a seasoned performer or just starting out, there are still opportunities to be part of this exciting production. We are looking for more dancers, ensemble members, and crew. Get ready to be part of the magic  and don’t miss your chance to be part of the fun.  

Rehearsals are Monday and Thursday 3pm-5pm at school in the MPR. There is a schedule posted at start of each term to let students know when they are required.  

If you’re interested to join us on this unforgettable journey, please sign up using the QR code below, or reach out to Mr Jones. 

Students involved in the Production are invited to attend Performing Arts Camp. Camp is held at The Mount Evelyn Discovery Camp, offering team building, relationship development and intensive rehearsal opportunity close to show time.  


Performing Arts Camp: 28th July – 30th July 

Show Week:  11th  August – 15th August 







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Tournament of Minds (TOM) is an exciting competition that challenges students to think critically, solve complex problems, and work as a team. Competing across disciplines like STEM, the Arts, Language Literature, and Social Sciences, students develop creativity, communication, and problem-solving skills. This year, our talented student team will showcase their ingenuity, tackling challenges with innovation and enthusiasm. TOMs continues to be a fantastic opportunity for students to push boundaries and shine. We are still looking for enthusiastic students to join the team.  

See Ms.Tooba in the English Office if you’re interested to join. 



The Table Tennis Club has had a fun start to the year with a number of Year 7 students joining in. We meet every Friday at lunchtime in the North Quad or ECA (if the weather is not permitting). Whether you’re a complete beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced player wanting to refine your skills, our welcoming club invites players of all levels to participate. Enjoy friendly matches, improve your game, and make new friends. All equipment is provided!  

Club Leader: Mr Monty



Debate and Speeches Club meets Wednesday lunchtime in the Library. We are a small, but passionate group of like-minded students who love to discuss important topics, practice debating skills, and share ‘TED talks’ about personal projects and interests. We are a super friendly group, where students can just come along on Wednesday, no need to book or commit to every week. We’d love to see some new members this year. 



The Dungeons and Dragons Club meets every Thursday at lunch in DC2.

D&D is a fantastic way to bring fictional worlds of swords, sorcery and dragons to life through collaborative storytelling, role-playing and plenty of dice. All students welcome! 




Board games club is on every Wednesday lunchtime in the Discovery Centre (DC4).  Students choose their game of choice and play in a friendly, supportive environment.  Chess, Table Pool, UNO No Mercy and Cash n’ Guns have been most popular over recent weeks.  All students are encouraged to come along and choose from the extensive range of games. 



Yarn Fanatics have been planning their first major group project incorporating sewing, knitting and crochet. The piece is to be on display in the textiles room and will be on proud display showing the developing skills of the fibre fanatics of the college! Students have begun learning new skills to help them contribute to the piece as well as looking at ways in which they can make their designs come to life.  



Tinker Thinkers Makers Club is a student-led, STEAM-based technology club Students have been experimenting with air-drying and polymer clay, 3D printing, and iteration various other techniques to develop their design skills. We’re now gearing up for exciting competitions, that the students choose themselves, including a student designed ionocraft challenge and state, national, and global STEAM and design contests. With hands-on making and problem-solving at its core, this club is open to all students who love to tinker, think, and create!’ Monday, Start of lunch in the T7 pod. Just contact Ms Edmonds if you would like to join or find out more. 




If you are interested in performing and sharpening up your acting skills, then come along on alternating Thursday and Friday lunchtimes in the MPR to have some fun and act with others. All year levels are welcome!

Please contact Mr Pete Marz for any inquiries.



It has been a great start in Rainbow Club so far this year. Rainbow Club is a supportive group for LGBTIQA+ students and supportive friends that meet weekly on a Friday. We have been having informal chats as well as playing some getting to know you games. We have also been discussing some fantastic things planned for IDAHOBIT and Wear it Purple Days coming up later in the year.  

If you would like more information, please message or email Mr Neil-Holland. 



The Photojournalism Club is a gearing up for the first coverage of a full-school event; the Swimming Carnival. Students have practiced taking some photos, they have been looking at questions to ask the students along with some discussions on how to take ethical photos and ask accurate questions in the form of a code of conduct.
We are all excited to begin work in what will be the first of many publications from the newly emerging student press!  



Art Club happens once a week and is a chance for students to explore and experiment with a variety of artistic materials and techniques. Come along to have fun with art and to hang out with like-minded students every Thursday lunch time in D6. 

Please contact Ms D’Unienville for any inquiries.



Join committed students who care for the turtles on Wednesdays at lunchtime. Watch Shelly and Franklin grow and learn about Short Necked Murray Turtles.                                                              

Please contact Melinda Lori Pui or Cherie Linford for any inquiries.



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