Welcome back to 2025. I am excited about what the year has in store for Mooroolbark College.
Each morning all students attend their House-based Connect class from 8.44 am to 9.00 am to start the day. This is an extremely important time in the day of a student at Mooroolbark College.
The purpose of Connect is to begin the beginning of each day in a positive manner for each Mooroolbark College student. The morning Connect classes focus on student led goal setting, teaching the College values of Respect, Endeavour, Compassion and Resilience, celebrating student achievements and activities linked to developing a positive mindset.
Starting the day in a positive manner has many benefits including:
- Boosts Mood and Confidence
- Improves Physical Health
- Increases Productivity
- Enhances Relationships
- Promotes a Growth Mindset
In addition, each year level focuses on a specific College value:
Year 7 – a focus on RESILIENCE
Our Year 7 students began the year positively and have settled in well demonstrating resilience from day one. We held our first assembly on Monday to induct our Year 7s into the school. Each House entered the ECA to a thunderous round of applause and to their House theme music. This is an important part of inducting our Year 7s into the school. Throughout the year, Year 7 students will work with our Wellbeing Team and their House Teams to further enhance their resilience both at school and in their everyday lives.
Year 8 – a focus on RESPECT
The College’s Year 8 students have begun their new year by starting new Art and Technology subjects. Year 8 students study Visual Communication, Product Design, Drama and Information Technology as part of their exposure to the curriculum. Further, the work they undertake in Year 8 English focusses on the meaning of respect and how to demonstrate respect in everyday lives.
Year 9 – a focus on ENDEAVOUR
Year 9 students have their first taste of studying their elective program as well as an introduction into the SHIELD program. The SHIELD program specifically focusses on the value of endeavour. They start and end the year (terms 1 & 4) with House based sports competitions, while in term 2 the students undertake the City Experience and in term 3 the students commit themselves to community engagement activities.
Year 10 – a focus on COMPASSION
Year 10 is such an important year as students prepare for Senior School (Year 11 and 12). With many of our Year 10 students accelerating and already enrolled in a VCE subject, this is an essential year of growth and development. Throughout the year, the students focus on Compassion and being kind to others and themselves as they move into Senior School.
Year 11 & 12 – a holistic approach to the College Values
As Year 11 and 12 students start or continue their studies in either VCE or VCE VM, it is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate the College values. Each year at the end of Year 12 each House awards prestigious House Values Awards to the students who have demonstrated the four College values throughout their time at the College.
In 2024 the Mooroolbark College Values winners were:
Baan House
- Bailey Doevelaar
- Rhianna Gray
Biik House
- Natasha Rowe
- Nat Tresidder
Darrang House
- Reuben Johnson
Ngawan House
- Belle Gavin
- Owen Wahrenberger
- Honey Woning
The final award presented each year at the Valedictory Dinner is the AMPOL – All Rounder Award. In 2024 this honour when to Hayley Lamb.
Congratulations to all these recipients.
This year we have changed the structure of the newsletter to incorporate a theme into each of the publications.
Term 1 – Issue 1 – Starting up the year
Term 1 – Issue 2 – Opportunities at Mooroolbark College
Term 2 – Issue 3 – Open Night – A celebration
Term 2 – Issue 4 – Student Wellbeing
Term 3 – Issue 5 – Learning in the real world
Term 3 – Issue 6 – Undercover Talent
Term 4 – Issue 7 – Celebrating excellence
Term 5 – Issue 8 – Wrapping up the year
Year 7 students are receiving a hard copy of the first issue whilst families in Years 8 to 12 will receive an emailed version. Issue 2 to 8 will be emailed to all families via email.
Social Media
Don’t forget to follow our Mooroolbark College Official Facebook page and the Mooroolbark College Official Instagram account. Both these platforms provide daily communication celebrating what is happening in the classroom and in the community for our students.
Ann Stratford