Course Counselling


As part of the Colleges commitment to supporting informed pathways choices by students, the Pathways Team in conjunction with the House Leaders and Cluster Leaders operate an extensive course counselling process for students enrolling in Years 9 to 12.

Choosing a pathway is an important decision for a student. However, there is key advice which should be adhered to at all year levels.

Choose a course and subjects based on the following:

  • Choose subject which you enjoy
  • Choose subjects which you are good at
  • Choose subjects which will support your future direction
  • If you are going into VCE at Year 11 or 12 check the prerequisite subjects for tertiary courses carefully. Refer to the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) website for more information.

Don’t choose subjects based on:

  • Choices your friends are making
  • Teachers you like/do not like

Curriculum Programs

Information Night for Parents and Students

Course Counselling

Year 9 (Current Year 8 Students)

Year 9 Information Night

Conducted in class groups over a 2 day period.

Year 10 (Current Year 9 Students)

Year 10 Pathways Day

Year 10, 11 and 12 Information Night

Conducted in small groups by the student’s Pathways Advisor and Cluster Coordinator or House Leader.

Year 11 (Current Year 10 Students)

Work Related Skills Program Pathways Day VCE Expo

Individual Appointments made for each student for a joint meeting with their Pathways Advisor and Cluster Leader or House Leader. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.

Year 12 (Current Year 11 Students)

Individual Appointments made for each student for a joint meeting with their Pathways Advisor and Cluster Leader or House Leader. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.

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